Why is the work of graduate students so under-valued? đź’µ
Despite being called “students”, [...they] have vastly different responsibilities and academic curricula than the majority of students"
They are the engines behind research labs, making them central to the "research ecosystem + the innovation process in the country."
via https://sciencepolicy.ca/posts/recognizing-the-forgotten-workers-redefining-graduate-and-postdoctoral-training/
by Tim Xue Julia Messina-Pacheco @gmdouglas
#Science #PhD #PhDLife #SupportOurScience @academicchatter @academicsunite
#supportourscience #phdlife #phd #science
Canadians: Please sign the latest Canadian House of Commons petition calling for increased federal funding for graduate students and postdocs through scholarships, fellowships & grants. Sign here & please boost: https://petitions.ourcommons.ca/en/Petition/Details?Petition=e-4457 #SupportOurScience
RT @rachelbergeron_
Lots has changed since 2003. I am a tad taller, and the bangs are no more. Rent has quadrupled in many places. But funding for grad students like myself is the same. Canadian research is suffering from federal inaction. #SupportOurScience @SupportOurSci @cafreeland @JustinTrudeau
RT @katie_gwin
#SupportOurScience walk out at UBC. Grad students and post docs shouldn’t have to live in poverty to do the vital research that is needed to solve our worlds problems @SupportOurSci https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1653128432375693312
RT @NatalieRaeOz
How can graduate students & postdocs drive innovation on an empty stomach? With current stipends:
30% experience housing insecurity
45% experience food insecurirty
75% experience health care insecurity
#SupportOurScience @cafreeland @FP_Champagne
In Canada, federal grad student scholarships are the same as 20 years ago, well below the poverty line in most cities. Last federal budget made no attempt to address poverty among grad students. Students, postdocs and faculty walked out at more than 41 universities. Excellent turnout in Sherbrooke, over 120 people #SupportOurScience
RT @NatashaMhatre
It's clear what students postdocs and faculty at Western think! #SupportOurScience https://twitter.com/NatashaMhatre/status/1653046515001073665
#SupportOurScience UBC arriving at the plaza in front of the Koerner library which houses the Adminstration offices.
Better funding for grad students and post-docs should be a priority for Canadian science funding.
This means more in direct fellowships and more for grants for faculty to be able to support our students properly.
RT @BeattieScience
Proud of @UM_RadyFHS grad students and PDFs for standing up for their right to fair pay today. Hearing firsthand how students are struggling was heartbreaking. We need to do more to support our future researchers! @SupportOurSci @JustinTrudeau #SupportOurScience @UMFA_FAUM
Great to see this turnout at the #SupportOurScience walkout for living wages for grad students and post-docs across Canada. This one at the University of British Columbia.
I see a few other faculty members here. Better funding for grad students and post docs is important for us too.
RT @DMennill
My style hasn’t changed much since 2002. Neither has the scholarship support we provide to grad students and postdocs in Canada! It is a national embarrassment that our support for young scientists is so low, @JustinTrudeau & @cafreeland. Time to #SupportOurScience!
RT @kiramhoffman
In 2013 I got a @NSERC_CRSNG to start my PhD. I was overjoyed and was able to do my research full time. Students are still getting the same $$ 10 years later in 🇨🇦. They often need to take on 1-2 part-time jobs to go to #gradschool. It’s time to #SupportOurScience
#gradschool #supportourscience
I share a little piece concerning the nation-wide walk out for #SupportOurScience #SoutenirNotreScience today in Québec and all Canada.
"International Workers’ Day: Funding for science stagnates in Canada and Chile"
See you in the streets!
#supportourscience #soutenirnotrescience #science #funding #PhD
RT @AEDerocher
Last time NSERC funded grad students had a raise, I was working in Norway, had lots of hair & no gray in my beard. All have changed except NSERC grad student funding levels. I had NSERC during my MSc & PhD: it was excellent support. Now, it's embarassing. #SupportOurScience
RT @westernuACB
#SupportOurScience is calling for a nation-wide walk out in support of increased funding for #GradStudents & #Postdocs!
Show your support for @WesternU trainees by joining the walk out in front of the UCC on concrete beach at 1:00pm on May 1st. RSVP: https://tinyurl.com/n8ms5nxm
#supportourscience #gradstudents #Postdocs
Cross posting from Twitter
New Globe and Mail article with interviews from Dr. Sivani Baskaran, Dr. Maydianne Andrade, Dr. Marc Johnson, and myself (pictured, looking very end-of-PhD exhausted).
Learn more at http://supportourscience.ca. Get involved, write your MP, and #SupportOurScience on May 1, follow @SupportOurSci (Twitter)
for updates!
The nation-wide #SupportOurScience walkout is ONE WEEK from today!
Join us on May 1st at 1pm in the UC at #UofG & demand increased federal funding for graduate students & postdocs!
More info & optional RSVP details: https://www.supportourscience.ca/nationwide-walkout
RT @SupportOurSci
NATIONWIDE WALKOUT: If you think 🇨🇦 grad students & post docs deserve more funding from @JustinTrudeau & @cafreeland through awards & grants then join #SupportOurScience & walkout on May 1 #mayday #budget2023
Watch for more details here & at http://www.supportourscience.ca on TUESDAY
#supportourscience #mayday #budget2023
NATIONWIDE WALKOUT: If you think 🇨🇦 grad students & post docs deserve more funding from @JustinTrudeau & @cafreeland through awards & grants then join #SupportOurScience & walkout on May 1 #mayday #budget2023
Watch for more details here & at supportourscience.ca on TUESDAY
#supportourscience #mayday #Budget2023