Tarnkappe.info · @tarnkappeinfo
2298 followers · 4699 posts · Server social.tchncs.de
proedie · @proedie
29 followers · 1911 posts · Server mastodon.green

Those scam guys are really something. I told "Jannet" that I don't even own even own a Windows computer. She refused to believe me, because _everybody_ has one, right?

In the end she threatend me to block my computer license number so I will be unable to use any Microsoft product in the future. 🙄🤣


Last updated 2 years ago

proedie · @proedie
29 followers · 1911 posts · Server mastodon.green

I just received one of those calls. A lady with indian accent said she was from my computer maintainance company and told me about errors and warnings that my computer was sending to them. So far, so good. But then she ostensibly deviated from her script and asked me: ‘You have a too beautiful voice. Are you single?’

‘Thank you, no I’m not.’

‘Okay, thank you. Bye.’ She hung up.

What. Was. That?! Was my voice too charming for her (fat chance) or is there a love scam to follow?


Last updated 2 years ago

This is the best scam bait I've ever watched. So f'ing funny, it's amazing. Granny Edna is the boss! I mean..... TBH, this probably qualifies as psychological torture and goes against a few points of the Geneva Conventions. But then again.... fuck those with a rusty garden hoe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ "Madam madam madam madam madam madam madam madam madam madam madam madam madam madam madam madam madam madam madam."


#scammers #scam #scambaiting #kitboga #wastetheirtime #supportscam

Last updated 5 years ago