"Rather than act to protect the NHS and negotiate an end to the dispute, the Government has disgracefully chosen to demonise ambulance workers. Ministers are deliberately misleading the public about the life and limb cover and who is to blame for excessive deaths." Sharon Graham, Unite
#ProtectTheNHS #ProtectTheRightToStrike #Strike #Protest #Dissent #Resist #ResistTheToryAntiStrikeBill #AntiStrikeBill #SupportStrikingNHSWorkers #SupportTheNurses #SupportTheAmbulanceWorker
#protectthenhs #protecttherighttostrike #strike #protest #dissent #resist #resistthetoryantistrikebill #antistrikebill #supportstrikingnhsworkers #supportthenurses #supporttheambulanceworker
THE ONLY GOOD TORY IS A SUPPOSITORY! #SupportStrikingNHSWorkers #SupportTheNurses #SupportTheAmbulanceWorker#SupportTheStrikes #SupportOurNHS #SaveOurNHSFromTheTories #StopTheTories #ToryScum #Solidarity
Image nicked from Novara Media
#supportstrikingnhsworkers #supportthenurses #supporttheambulanceworker #supportournhs #saveournhsfromthetories #stopthetories #toryscum #solidarity