Drew Barrymore is not only scabbing with her show, she's hosting the National Book Awards, with Oprah Winfrey as the Special Guest.
Please show solidarity with union workers at large and let the National Book Foundation that you are not okay with a scab hosting these awards; scabbing hurts *everyone*; screenwriters are writers too.
#wgastrike #sagaftrastrike #supportworkers #supportunions #indieauthors
So this happened, and everywhere the video is posted, you see the inevitable, "everyone can cook" and "those teenager jobs, why should they pay a living wave?" and the perennial favorite, "unions are bloodsuckers"
Fuck that noise, fuck that shit. #SupportWorkers #SupportUnions #WaffleHouse
#wafflehouse #supportunions #supportworkers
Biden the "union fan" stepped in when railroad workers wanted to strike. That alone fucked over almost 200,000 *directly* and all their families indirectly. How many votes is that? what message did that send to other unions if they are deemed too essential to strike, not essential enough for decent pay and livable working conditions?
#2024election #biden #uspolitics #supportunions #supportworkers
In case you have forgotten: the WGA and the SAGAFTRA are still on strike; if you have a few bucks to spare, please support them. (link below)
Also, for context, Fran Drescher:
#WGAStrike #WGAStrong #SAGAFTRAStrike #SAGAFTRAStrong
#supportunions #supportworkers #sagaftrastrong #sagaftrastrike #wgastrong #wgastrike
On this U.S. #LaborDay, what are the things the Christofascists want to roll back?
#supportunions #supportworkers #laborday
99.4% of American Airlines flight attendants have voted to go on strike.
#Unions #SupportUnions #SupportWorkers #AmericanAirlinesFlightAttendants
#americanairlinesflightattendants #supportworkers #supportunions #unions
#BillyBragg does a "gentle correction" of the gross punching down new alt-right anthem:
(short version: instead of bitching about the needy, do something about the rich. "If you're selling your soul and you're working all day, overtime hours for bullshit pay, join a union.")
#SupportUnions #SupportWorkers #TaxTheRich
#taxtherich #supportworkers #supportunions #billybragg
Via Politico:
"A decade-long effort to organize fast food workers is culminating in California – with potential national ramifications.
Whoever wins this battle could transform a multibillion dollar industry and recharge the American labor movement."
#SupportUnions #SupportWorkers #FastFoodWorkersUnions
#fastfoodworkersunions #supportworkers #supportunions
My writers strike shirt came today! 🙌
If you want one (or one of many other similar shirts and stuff) you can find them here at WGA Strike Shirts: https://wgastrikeshirts.com/
100% of the proceeds go to the Entertainment Community Fund to support the writers and actors who are out of work due to the strike.
#wga #sagaftra #writersstrike #actorsstrike #strike #unions #supportunions
#wga #sagaftra #writersstrike #actorsstrike #strike #unions #supportunions
Without unions, we'd ALL be starving and dependent on the kindness of the billionaire class! #SAGAFTRAStrong #WGA #Strike #SupportUnions #SupportLabor
#supportlabor #supportunions #strike #WGA #sagaftrastrong
If you want to know what true allyship looks like, here you have it:
"I'm walking in 90% weather and losing over 50% of my income for the year because I want the younger writers to get what *I* got at this stage of their careers."
Also, the final 4 tweets? FACTS, phew!
#SupportWorkers #SupportUnions
(like to twitter thread, all text in the images)
#supportunions #supportworkers #sag #wgastrike #wga
The strike is on, because the studios are greedy, and workers deserve to make a living wage.
#WGAStrike #WritersGuildStrike #WGAStrong
#SupportUnions #SupportWorkers
#supportworkers #supportunions #wgastrong #writersguildstrike #wgastrike
Lol, an Oakland parent is complaining that when teachers strike would impact their student. The parent was like, you can strike anytime, but during school hours, aka work hours. That's just not how striking works.
Streaming broke the system: residuals don't exist in streaming. Writers are making pennies for their work. If studios don't agree with a contract addressing this issue by May 1, the 2007 strike will feel like a happy parade--for every one.
#noscabs #supportworkers #supportunions #wgastrong
DailyKos: progressive and pro-labor, until it's their own labor
#layoffs #dailykos #supportunions
I love how this NPR piece on the tentative agreement between #HarperCollins and the Harper Collins Workers Union, while mentioning the pitiful raise and pathetic concessions, as well as the promised retaliatory layoff coming next year ("because of increasing costs" and "declining revenue"), there is no mention of how much the executives make in bonus every fucking years, or how many millions they're paying DeathSantis to lie.
#supportunions #supportworkers #harpercollins
NHS workers are heroes in every department-the fucking government are loathsome, ineffectual parasites
I wasn’t sure if I’d strike – until I locked eyes with another NHS nurse on one awful, ordinary day https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/feb/06/strike-nhs-nurse-pay-patient-care?CMP=Share_iOSApp_Other
Via Harper Collins Workers Union on twitter:
"It’s now easier than ever to donate to our strike fund—no more checks!
We’re so grateful to those who‘ve donated as we put our paychecks and careers on hold to get a fair contract.
Continued support is more critical than ever. Donate below! ❤️"
52 days and counting, please help if you can.
#supportunions #supportworkers #HCPUStrke #harpercollins