Today is Totensonntag in Germany, "Sunday of the dead". Today, the World Cup of shame begins. Oh, the irony!
Corruption, espionage accusations, inacceptable conditions for the migrant workers, thousands of deaths, disregarding human rights, cooled down stadiums in times of climate crisis, ridiculous statements by #infantino and paid "fans". There is absolutely NOTHING to like, a boycott is the only option.
#BoycottQatar2022 #infantino #fckfifa #supportyourlocalclubs
Nach der langen Corona-Pause endlich wieder mal ein kleines Clubkonzert besucht. #emilbulls und #setyoursails im #la-cham. Starke Auftritte, pure Spielfreude. SetYourSails kannte ich bisher nicht, aber klare Rein-Hör-Empfehlung. #supportyourlocalclubs
#supportyourlocalclubs #la #setyoursails #emilbulls