Time for a #suppressedtransmissions post: https://www.vice.com/en/article/ep4zvw/scientists-have-discovered-vast-mysterious-structures-deep-inside-the-earth
Not a specific plot hook, but you could easily use this post as a supporting document in a Call of Cthulhu game
Guess I should introduce myself.
Hi, I'm Canageek. This is my roleplaying account, my main one is @Canageek@wandering.shop
I like more traditional RPGs like #D&D, #GURPS and #CallOfCthulhu, but will try other things.
I often post pictures of dragons to #DragonPosting , since dragons are cool, I also post things that can serve as game inspiration to #suppressedtransmissions
#suppressedtransmissions #dragonposting #callofcthulhu #gurps #d
What is on these cameras would be a great adventure hook #suppressedtransmissions
I've had this open in my browser for years, and am finally admitting I'm not going to read it; But if YOU need some incredibly detailed descriptions of occult locations in London in any time period, this can probably help you: https://www.exutopia.com/an-occult-psychogeography-of-hawksmoors-london-churches/
So they actually found orchalium ingots (turns out it is a bronze-zinc alloy), but you know, in your game it could still have magical powers and is suddenly avalible in the modern world again. Heist game to steal it? Suddenly your opponents got to it t first and have magical armour and weapons you don't?
(YES, this tab has been open in my browser for a LONG time)
Hey everyone, I used to moderate a group of RPG Inspiration posts that @juergen_hubert ran. That is where the #suppressedtransmissions hashtag you see me use sometimes comes from.
@juergen_hubert welcome to Mastodon; if you want a better instance (Mastodon.social has HUGE issues and poor moderation) tabletop.social is a pretty good one.
Anyway, I've been keeping the #GURPS and #suppressedtransmissions hashtags warmed up for you
#gurps #suppressedtransmissions
"Egyptologists translate the oldest-known mummification manual
The embalming manual is just part of a 3,500-year-old Egyptian medical text."
I really don't think this one needs a description on why it could be useful in a game XD
Anyone want to work this into an RPG plot? It feels like it should be doable, but I'm drawing a blank
Travel rates across the US in various time periods: VERY useful for DMs running historical games! https://sepiachord.tumblr.com/post/136376500947/westquarry-notinthehistorybooks-what-was-the
Ok, this is a cool history of armour and the order various bits appear: https://acoup.blog/2019/05/03/collections-armor-in-order-part-i/
This seems like it would be helpful to a DM: Insurance maps of New York in the 1920s: https://www.loc.gov/item/sanborn06115_003/ Maps of what type of buildings are in each neighbourhood, loctions of fire stations and similar, and then indexes of warehouses and more detailed views of neighbourhoods.
Check out the similar items list at the bottom; They have them for other cities and years it looks like.
#suppressedtransmissions #DMresources
I'm not entirely certain that Coven isn't in fact just Black Sabbath from an alternate universe.
"This album marked the first appearance in music of the sign of the horns, inverted crosses, and the phrase "Hail Satan".[...]Coven's bass guitarist and co-writer (Michael Gregory Osborne) is credited as "Oz Osborne", and the opening track is "Black Sabbath". "
Now I wonder what type of world that timeline is. #suppressedtransmissions
Everyone has probably heard about the Pentagon UFO tape releases by now, but...Just in case this was missed, The pentagon has released higher quality version of three tapes of unidentified flying objects seen by pilots. These would make for great props for a game.
https://mcmansionhell.com/post/166916762911/looking-around-american-foursquares < A feature on the American Foursquare, a house type common in the 1915 era.
https://mcmansionhell.com/post/169944521391/looking-around-on-sound-part-2-acoustics < This one specifically looks at what sound was like in four houses from 1896, 1915, 1936 and 1963 and how sound would carry in them, and how what was effected by the type of furniture popular in each time period. Which means a) You get details and blueprints of those houses and what was in them, and b) You know how hard it is to sneak around them or hide the sounds of a fight from the neighbours.
A few stories of women taking on male personas so that they could travel the world in an age when women were not allowed on sailing ships, perfect for historical RPGs:
Given how often street food shows up (Japan, Rome, early in New York's history), pretty much any city could have street food, so that is something you should think about when #worldbuilding #SuppressedTransmissions
#worldbuilding #suppressedtransmissions
Hey all. The COVID era has been a bit rough on me, so I've not been reading as much horror and obscure stuff as normal, leaning more into watching movies and other escapist things. That said, I'm trying to return, and thought I'd start with this article I opened in my browser months and months ago:
Might be interesting that in the Viking era people used mountain passes as major travel routes, could be good for ambushes or world building.
We had no idea anything this large existed in medieval Britain, and it seems perfect for a home base in an RPG setting