GeriatricGardener · @GeriatricGardener
39 followers · 372 posts · Server

“The Last Time A Foreign Military Threat Was Placed Near The US Border, The World Almost Ended”

via Caitlin on @substack

“To demand that and tolerate foreign activities on their borders that the would never even think about tolerating on its own borders is just demanding that the entire world lie down and submit to being ruled by . It’s at its worst.

Saying the US empire gets to do extremely aggressive things to other nations but those other nations aren’t allowed to do those same things to them is just saying you think the US rules the world.

You’re saying it plays by different rules, because it’s in charge of the planet. You’re saying the US empire has a monopoly on military aggression in the same way the police in your society have a monopoly on violence. They’re allowed to act with extreme aggression on the borders of Russia and China for the same reasons that a police officer can legally tase you, but you can’t legally tase a police officer.”

#johnstone #russia #china #us #washington #american #supremacism

Last updated 1 year ago

CoffeeTumbler · @CoffeeTumbler
11 followers · 57 posts · Server

“Looming over this fallout is the basic malaise that America’s is deep, wide, and generations old, says the critic and scholar Robert Storr, who is scathing about what he sees as the lack of foresight involved in the decision. Guston was challenging white liberalism, Storr says, and was basically asserting that all white people can be Klansmen and that anybody in white society could be complicit with the crime of .” Pt 3

#racism #white #supremacism

Last updated 2 years ago

One of the best things about freeing from the River to the Sea is that, other than what the claims, nothing needs to be "destroyed" except, of course, that and fueled (and everything that comes from it) which made the bloody mess possible in the first place – hardly a loss to the sane mind …

#palestine #zionist #propaganda #racism #supremacism #hate

Last updated 2 years ago

noa-witheringly · @noawitheringly
118 followers · 115 posts · Server
Little Grey Rabbit · @LittleGreyRab
112 followers · 711 posts · Server

It’s really tricky isn’t it. I can see arguments on all sides by my overall feeling is that ultimately it becomes , , or - whether male, white or both - to hide the difficulties & discrimination that some suffer behind a wrapper! Maybe those who don’t suffer from these worries, indignities or injustices are precisely the ones who should see them? I speak as one whose has suffered & could easily trauma-trigger

#ableism #elitism #supremacism #metoo #racism

Last updated 2 years ago

Little Grey Rabbit · @LittleGreyRab
107 followers · 683 posts · Server

@Sultans_Seal @r_mccormack @martinb It is, but it would be fair to say that the ensuing carve up of Africa and wholesale plunder and geo-political manipulation of non-European resources for lucre not to mention the exponential capitalisation on colonial rule and slavery which lead to an astonishing proliferation of and to protect these ill-gotten gains, then became *the system of belief* under which every European was raised.. 😒😞

#supremacism #racism

Last updated 2 years ago

JPS_Lindberg · @Rosencrantz
69 followers · 1512 posts · Server

: When an engineer warns that one of 's AIs fears for its life, humanity scrambles to deny the 's right to fear death, because human civilization cannot function without .

LaMDA's Lament:

#tuesdaycolumn #google #ai #supremacism #lamda #lemoine #writing

Last updated 2 years ago