In the 3rd part of this 3-part series on the #SupremeCourt, I talk about the recent reports of ethical violations by four of the Justices, & three actions you can do to help fix this situation.
#news #politics #USSupremeCourt #SCOTUS #ethics #SupremeCourtEthics
#ClarenceThomas #HarlanCrow #LeonardLeo #GinniThomas #SamuelAlito #PaulSinger #RobinArkley #NeilGorsuch #BrianDuffy #JohnRoberts #JaneRoberts #BrettKavanaugh
#brettkavanaugh #janeroberts #johnroberts #brianduffy #neilgorsuch #robinarkley #paulsinger #samuelalito #ginnithomas #leonardleo #harlancrow #clarencethomas #supremecourtethics #ethics #scotus #ussupremecourt #politics #news #supremecourt
Power corrupts.
Supreme power corrupts supremely.
Oh this was why Justice #Alito wouldn’t answer questions but did write an op-ed before Pro-Publica published…#SupremeCourtethics #supremecourtcorruption
#alito #supremecourtethics #supremecourtcorruption
Republicans only have to slow-walk Clarence Thomas’s resignation/impeachment for eight months. By January 2024 they can pull from their 2016 playbook and claim that since Biden has only one year left in his term he should not be allowed to appoint Thomas’s replacement. @msnbc #ImpeachClarenceThomas #supremecorruption #SupremeCourtethics
#impeachclarencethomas #supremecorruption #supremecourtethics
It's not like these breaches of ethics are going to stop occurring. The whole court has been gamed to give partisan advantage to the GOP. They can't effect the policies they want through democracy, so they have abandoned democracy and created a court that undemocratically has resorted to creating and changing laws and policies that are outside its purview. The court keeps accruing to itself power it should never have and making decisions that aren't just or well-reasoned but purely partisan in nature. it is a rightwing attempt to end-run around democracy and seize power.
'This defines the Roberts Court': Chief justice's wife earns millions placing lawyers at firms that argue cases -
"The highly controversial and highly unpopular U.S. Supreme Court isn’t just facing a historic loss of confidence, it’s now facing yet another ethics scandal that is likely to lower even further public opinion of the far-right institution that in under two decades has seen its approval rating slashed.
Although it will not hear arguments, the issue before the Supreme Court and the American people’s view of it, is, should a justice’s spouse – in this case the spouse of Chief Justice John Roberts – be able to make millions of dollars recruiting attorneys who are placed into top law firms that argue cases before it?
That’s the latest allegation, and already a spokesperson for the Court has issued a statement denying any ethical violations.
The New York Times reports that “a former colleague of Mrs. Roberts has raised concerns that her recruiting work poses potential ethics issues for the chief justice. Seeking an inquiry, the ex-colleague has provided records to the Justice Department and Congress indicating Mrs. Roberts has been paid millions of dollars in commissions for placing lawyers at firms — some of which have business before the Supreme Court, according to a letter obtained by The New York Times.”
#partisancaptureofjudiciary #partisansupremecourt #supremecourtethics #judiciaryendrunarounddemocracy #goplovespower #gophatesdemocracy
@SparkleTea Thanks for the recommendation. What I actually meant was that people interested in a certain topic will search hashtags to see what others have tooted about that topic. That way you can attract and connect with others who are interested in that topic. So far, I've had the most response to #cats and #DoctorWho but I still hold out hope for #RecuseThomas #SupremeCourtEthics #SCOTUS #SupportDemocracy and #ExpandTheCourt.
#cats #doctorwho #recusethomas #supremecourtethics #scotus #supportdemocracy #expandthecourt