Amy Coney Barrett faces scrutiny over real estate deal with religious group
#Newsweek #AmyConeyBarrett #RealEstateDeal #ReligiousGroup #SupremeCourtNominee #JudicialScrutiny #Politics #News
#newsweek #amyconeybarrett #realestatedeal #religiousgroup #supremecourtnominee #judicialscrutiny #politics #news
Frankly, any black woman selected by Biden should be offended that he chose her first due to her skin color and her gender. #BidenIsARacist #SupremeCourtNominee
#supremecourtnominee #BidenIsARacist
Frankly, any black woman selected by Biden should be offended that he chose her first due to her skin color and her gender. #BidenIsARacist #SupremeCourtNominee
#supremecourtnominee #BidenIsARacist
Frankly, any black woman selected by Biden should be offended that he chose her first due to her skin color and her gender.
#supremecourtnominee #BidenIsARacist