Global News BC: Highest court refuses to hear appeal from B.C. churches opposed to COVID-19 ruling #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BC SupremeCourtChiefJusticeChristopherHinkson #ImmanuelCovenantReformedChurch #provincialrestrictions #RiversideCalvaryChapel #SupremeCourtOfCanada #FreeReformedChurch #BCCourtofAppeal #Dr.BonnieHenry #COVID-19 #Canada #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #BC #immanuelcovenantreformedchurch #provincialrestrictions #riversidecalvarychapel #supremecourtofcanada #freereformedchurch #bccourtofappeal #Dr #covid #Canada #health
Global News BC: Hells Angels lose bid to block sale of seized B.C. clubhouses #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #hellsangelsforfeitureact #directorofforfeitureact #HellsAngelsClubhouses #SupremeCourtOfCanada #forfeitureactact #BCCourtofAppeal #hellsangeslb.c. #OrganizedCrime #forfeitureact #HellsAngels #Justice #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #hellsangelsforfeitureact #directorofforfeitureact #hellsangelsclubhouses #supremecourtofcanada #forfeitureactact #bccourtofappeal #hellsangeslb #organizedcrime #forfeitureact #HellsAngels #justice #crime
Global News BC: Ex-Chilliwack school trustee’s defamation case can’t proceed, Supreme Court of Canada says #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SupremeCourtofCanadacivilsuit #b.c.teachersfederation #defamationproceeding #SupremeCourtOfCanada #B.C.CourtofAppeal #BCexschooltrustee #Defamationlawsuit #barryneufeld #GlenHansman #Education
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #supremecourtofcanadacivilsuit #b #defamationproceeding #supremecourtofcanada #bcexschooltrustee #defamationlawsuit #barryneufeld #glenhansman #education
Global News BC: Supreme Court of Canada dismisses Crown appeal in ‘Surrey Six’ 2007 gang murder case #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SupremeCourtOfCanada #Surreyhomicideappeal #SurreyGangViolence #SurreySixShooting #MatthewJohnston #surreyhomicides #CodyHaevischer #Surreymurders #SurreyGangs #SurreyNews #SurreySix #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #supremecourtofcanada #surreyhomicideappeal #surreygangviolence #surreysixshooting #matthewjohnston #surreyhomicides #codyhaevischer #surreymurders #SurreyGangs #surreynews #surreysix #crime
The Canada Health Act needs to be updated
#Canada #Health #CdnPoli #HealthAct #CanadaHealthAct #CHA #PrivateHealthcare #TeleHealth #SupremeCourtOfCanada
#canada #health #cdnpoli #healthact #canadahealthact #cha #privatehealthcare #telehealth #supremecourtofcanada
Global News BC: Top court’s refusal to hear private health-care ban appeal ‘unfathomable,’ B.C. doctor says #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SupremeCourtOfCanada #PrivateHealthCare #BritishColumbia #PrivateSurgery #cambiesurgery #privatehealth #Publichealth #Dr.BrianDay #BrianDay #Justice #Canada #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #supremecourtofcanada #PrivateHealthCare #privatesurgery #cambiesurgery #privatehealth #publichealth #Dr #brianday #justice #Canada #health
Global News BC: Supreme Court of Canada won’t hear appeal involving private health care. Why? #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #canadahealthcarenews #healthcarecanadanews #healthcarenewscanada #SupremeCourtOfCanada #PrivateHealthCare #Canadahealthcare #healthcareCanada #healthcarenews #HealthCare #Canada #Health
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #canadahealthcarenews #healthcarecanadanews #healthcarenewscanada #supremecourtofcanada #PrivateHealthCare #Canadahealthcare #healthcareCanada #healthcarenews #healthcare #Canada #health
#SupremeCourtOfCanada will not be hearing an #appeal from #Rath&Company & #JeffreyRWRath that the #LawFirm is owed more than $3 million as a contingency fee from work it undertook when #Tallcree #FirstNation received #agricultural benefits in 2017 under #Canada #SpecificClaims process.
The #Priddis based #Alberta law firm signed an #agreement with #TallcreeFirstNation in 2015 that set a #ContingencyDee of no less than 20% received in a #SettlementAgreement
#supremecourtofcanada #appeal #rath #jeffreyrwrath #lawfirm #tallcree #firstnation #agricultural #canada #specificclaims #priddis #alberta #agreement #tallcreefirstnation #contingencydee #settlementagreement #legal #law
Global News BC: Supreme Court of Canada restores voyeurism conviction against B.C. hockey coach Randy Downes #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #MetroVancouverminorhockeycoach #SupremeCourtOfCanada #B.C.CourtofAppeal #BCHockeyCOach #randydownes #Coquitlam #Voyeurism #Burnaby #Canada #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #metrovancouverminorhockeycoach #supremecourtofcanada #b #bchockeycoach #randydownes #Coquitlam #Voyeurism #burnaby #Canada #crime
Global News BC: Kelowna man’s ticket stayed due to pandemic-time court delays #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SupremeCourtOfCanada #MotorVehicleAct #CourtDelays #Jordanclock #Rv.Jordan #COVID-19 #Traffic #Kelowna #Canada #Jordan #COVID #MVA
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #supremecourtofcanada #motorvehicleact #courtdelays #jordanclock #rv #covid #traffic #kelowna #Canada #jordan #mva
An Albertan challenged the province's Public Health Act after the COVID-19 pandemic forced closure of her gym.
Did the Alberta Bill of Rights require she be provided more due process than 3 readings of the PHA in the Legislature, and royal assent, before the PHA was used to deprive her of the enjoyment of property? And was the PHA clear and unambiguous in its scope under #SupremeCourtOfCanada precedent?
The #SCC is expected to answer these #legal questions on Friday.
#supremecourtofcanada #scc #legal
An Albertan challenged the Public Health Act after the COVID-19 pandemic forced closure of her gym.
Did the Alberta Bill of Rights require that she be provided more due process than 3 readings of the PHA in Parliament, and royal assent, before the PHA was used to deprive her of the enjoyment of property? And was the PHA clear and unambiguous in its scope under #SupremeCourtOfCanada precedent?
The #SCC is expected to answer these #legal questions and others on Friday.
#supremecourtofcanada #scc #legal
An Albertan challenged the Public Health Act after the COVID-19 pandemic forced closure of her gym.
Did the Alberta Bill of Rights require she be provided more due process than 3 readings of the PHA in the Legislature, and royal assent, before the PHA was used to deprive her of the enjoyment of property? And was the PHA clear and unambiguous in its scope under #SupremeCourtOfCanada precedent?
The #SCC is expected to answer these #legal questions and others on Friday.
#supremecourtofcanada #scc #legal
An Albertan challenged the Public Health Act after the COVID-19 pandemic forced closure of her gym.
Did the Alberta Bill of Rights require that she be provided more due process than 3 readings of the PHA in Parliament, and royal assent, before the PHA was used to deprive her of the enjoyment of property? And was the PHA clear and unambiguous in its scope under #SupremeCourtOfCanada precedent?
The #SCC is expected to answer these #legal questions and others on Friday.
#supremecourtofcanada #scc #legal
The Tyee: Pro Athletes Want Workers’ Compensation for their Injuries (in News) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #LarryLandonProfessionalHockeyPlayers’Association #NationalLacrosseLeaguePlayers'Association #ProfessionalHockeyPlayers’Association #BertVillarinilabourlawyer #DamarHamlinBuffaloBills #CanadianFootballLeague #NationalLacrosseLeague #YeseniaDhottWorkSafeBC #BCNDPleaderJohnHorgan #SupremeCourtofCanada
#BCNews #TheTyee #larrylandonprofessionalhockeyplayers #nationallacrosseleagueplayers #professionalhockeyplayers #bertvillarinilabourlawyer #damarhamlinbuffalobills #canadianfootballleague #nationallacrosseleague #yeseniadhottworksafebc #BCNDPleaderJohnHorgan #supremecourtofcanada
The Tyee: An Immigration Detention System That Makes No Sense (in News) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #UBCKillamAcceleratorResearchFellowship #NationalImmigrationDetentionFramework #BCOfficeoftheHumanRightsCommissioner #Canadaimmigrationdetentionsystem #AmnestyInternationalCanada #CanadaBorderServicesAgency #PeterA.AllardSchoolofLaw #SupremeCourtofCanada #RefugeeConvention ##WelcomeToCanada #humanrightswatch #Dr.EfratArbel
#BCNews #TheTyee #UBCKillamAcceleratorResearchFellowship #NationalImmigrationDetentionFramework #BCOfficeoftheHumanRightsCommissioner #Canadaimmigrationdetentionsystem #AmnestyInternationalCanada #CanadaBorderServicesAgency #PeterA #supremecourtofcanada #RefugeeConvention #WelcomeToCanada #humanrightswatch #Dr
The Tyee: A Groundbreaking Indigenous Rights Decision, 25 Years Later (in News) #bcnews #TheTyee - via #1997Delgamuukw-Gisday’waSupremeCourtofCanadadecision #TheCentreforFirstNationsGovernance #SupremeCourtJudgeAllenMcEachern #Delgamuukwv.BritishColumbia #ChiefNa’MoksJohnRidsdale #AlbertTaitWet'suwet'en #ChiefGisday’wayFredTom #SupremeCourtofCanada #PrinceGeorgeCollege #Wet'suwet'enyintah #CoastalGasLink
#BCNews #TheTyee #1997Delgamuukw #TheCentreforFirstNationsGovernance #SupremeCourtJudgeAllenMcEachern #Delgamuukwv #ChiefNa #AlbertTaitWet #ChiefGisday #supremecourtofcanada #PrinceGeorgeCollege #wet #coastalgaslink
The Tyee: A Groundbreaking Indigenous Rights Decision, 25 Years Later (in News) #gaming #tech #1997Delgamuukw-Gisday’waSupremeCourtofCanadadecision #TheCentreforFirstNationsGovernance #SupremeCourtJudgeAllenMcEachern #Delgamuukwv.BritishColumbia #ChiefNa’MoksJohnRidsdale #AlbertTaitWet'suwet'en #ChiefGisday’wayFredTom #SupremeCourtofCanada #PrinceGeorgeCollege #Wet'suwet'enyintah #HagwilgetVillage #RichardOverstall
#Gaming #Tech #1997Delgamuukw #TheCentreforFirstNationsGovernance #SupremeCourtJudgeAllenMcEachern #Delgamuukwv #ChiefNa #AlbertTaitWet #ChiefGisday #supremecourtofcanada #PrinceGeorgeCollege #wet #HagwilgetVillage #RichardOverstall
For a fun little side project, I put together a simple bot that scrapes the #SupremeCourtofCanada #SCC birdsite feed and shares it on Mastodon.
If you're interested in following #legal developments in #Canada, consider giving @scc_bot a follow!
#supremecourtofcanada #scc #legal #Canada
Hat-tip @ litigation_god on Insta.
#Christmas #NaughtyOrNice #Canada #CourSuprêmeduCanada #SupremeCourtofCanada
The Justices of the Canadian Supreme Court look like they're about to rule on whether you've been naughty or nice.
#christmas #naughtyornice #Canada #coursupremeducanada #supremecourtofcanada