Peter Nimmo · @Peternimmo
435 followers · 428 posts · Server

Latest from Ballot Box Scotland on the first since the decision on for

#scotland #independence #supremecourtuk #poll

Last updated 2 years ago

Scotland's contribution to UK finances and what it gets back.

Basically, your wages go into my account and I give you some back. Not only do I buy weapons on your behalf but I tell you you're not allowed to leave home and be friends with your cousins in Europe.

#scotland #politics #DemocracyForScotland #democracy #greens #snp #supremecourtuk #indyref2 #scottishindependence

Last updated 2 years ago

Michael Marten · @michaelm
62 followers · 70 posts · Server

This is good on today’s Supreme Court ruling: “When we voted on the 11 September 1997, we thought we needed a parliament. It turns out we need a democracy after all.”

#scotland #democracy #supremecourtuk #supremecourt

Last updated 2 years ago

Liamm70 · @LiamM70
265 followers · 2360 posts · Server

Can any of the UK cabinet or the last few PMs stand and Talk so coherently and clearly from 20+ minutes and then field unscripted questions?

#supremecourtuk #democracy #scottishindendence

Last updated 2 years ago

I hate that Scotland is always compared to Quebec. Quebec is a province of the country Canada. Scotland is a country in its own right. It's not just a "province" of Scotland that is seeking the right to self determination, it's the actual country. Country vs province is like comparing apples to oranges.

#WhyNotScotland #AreYouYesYet #supremecourtuk #scotlandukprisoner #indy2 #scottishindendence

Last updated 2 years ago