#ClimateBoat2023 - #BUNDjugend - BERLIN
Kundgebung 12 Uhr,
East Side Gallery Berlin
.. Es gibt organisierte #Bootsplätze auf #Flöße n, #Kanus und #SUPs, eigene #Boote willkommen ...
... Sonntag, den #b130823, ab 12 Uhr aufs #Wasser zur #ClimateBoatDemo, für eine #sozial- u. #klimagerecht e #Energiewende in #Berlin #protestieren!...
#EastSideGallery #Auftaktkundgebung und #Musik... auf der #Spree zum #Heizkraftwerk #Mitte #Kundgebung...
#kundgebung #mitte #Heizkraftwerk #spree #musik #auftaktkundgebung #eastsidegallery #protestieren #berlin #energiewende #klimagerecht #sozial #climateboatdemo #wasser #b130823 #boote #sups #kanus #floße #bootsplatze #BUNDjugend #climateboat2023 #demo
#plasticpollution #Canada #brandaudit #plasticwaste
RT @MarineMgmtLisa@twitter.com
Our paper on evaluating single-use plastic policy in Canada is the most popular article in Marine Pollution Bulletin right now!!🌊
#SingleUsePlastics #SUPs https://twitter.com/tonyrwalker1/status/1599941875934597120
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MarineMgmtLisa/status/1599968208097726465
#sups #singleuseplastics #plasticwaste #brandaudit #canada #plasticpollution
Hello humans of the #Fediverse :) By way of introduction, I spend most of my waking hours exploring how to regulate #plastic in order to reduce harm to ecosystem + human health, environmental injustice and #climate chaos.
#ScienceTwitter was a great resource but #ScienceMastodon could be much greater (no algorithms!). Let's grow this community!
#toxics #EDCs #PFAS #microplastics #SUPs #plasticpollution #plastictreaty
#Fediverse #PlasticTreaty #plasticpollution #sups #microplastics #pfas #EDCs #toxics #ScienceMastodon #sciencetwitter #climate #plastic
While messing around testing this ward:
TWO people hit by cars
And our assassin (while sneaking in for dinner, in disguise after being banned), just tripped, fell over and injured himself on the crockery. Badly.
It is really obvious that our DM designed this adventure based on the last two.
In them we took too long, and let the villains plans happen, then went in guns blazing.
This one is only a few blocks from where our characters live in Portland, and we have a 1 week deadline before Mr Mob Boss is VERY unhappy.
We THINK they might be sacrificing the local criminal element to power a Journyman's Blessing Spell.
Our sneak was going to go scout around, but our casters spell said the most likely outcome of that would be him totally dismembered. So not that.
So we did poke around some and found the WHOLE place is warded, brings them luck, and keeps drunk people away.
We are TOTALLY stumped in this adventure in our 1920s game.
We've been approached by a mob boss and hired to convince a (large) family fish shop to sell. Normal methods will not work as they are a bunch of large Dutch men with cleavers, people who try tend to go missing, and a bunch of Important people eat there and will help. #GURPS #sups
DM sets horror adventure in real town. Player looks it up on Google maps.
Nearby mountains: He-Devil, She-Devil, Ogre, Twin Imps, Devil's Throne.
others: 7 Devils Campground, Hell's Canyon, Lane Purgatory.
The DM didn't realize this at all.