#ICYMI, Capt. Genevieve Fritschen recently led an all-women wheelhouse team aboard #Suquamish – an example of our recent efforts to increase diversity in our workforce out in the fleet! https://t.co/SUhIeu0TTJ
Good morning. #Suquamish returned to service a few minutes ago, resuming two-boat service on our #Edmonds/#Kingston route. Suquamish is operating in the #1 position today. #Spokane #2.
'Thanks to the #UnitedIndiansOfAllTribesFoundation - #handcarved #canoes from #CoastSalish #tribes will soon glide silently again through the waters of #LakeUnion. They will carry #Native crews, called “#CanoeFamilies ” #binding them together into one powerful motor, an engine of human hearts.'
#Indigenous #Seattle #WashingtonState #ReclaimingCulture #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Duwamish #XáXu7cHoo #Sammamish #NorthwestNative #NativeCanoes #Suquamish #CanoeCarving #GoodNews
#unitedindiansofalltribesfoundation #handcarved #canoes #coastsalish #tribes #lakeunion #native #canoefamilies #binding #indigenous #seattle #washingtonstate #reclaimingculture #pnw #pacificnorthwest #duwamish #xaxu7choo #sammamish #northwestnative #nativecanoes #suquamish #canoecarving #goodnews
WA Lawmakers Work on Issue of Missing and Murdered #Indigenous Women
Nationwide, more than 80% of #AmericanIndian and #Alaskan #Native women reported experiencing violence in their lifetimes, and those populations made up a disproportionate percentage of missing people in the U.S., according to a 2022 report prepared for Congress.
Lekanoff is sponsoring House Bill 1177 to create a cold case investigations unit in the state Attorney General's Office focused on missing and murdered Indigenous people. Sen. Manka Dhingra, D-Redmond, is sponsoring the companion Senate Bill 5137.
Annie Forsman-Adams, policy analyst for the attorney general's task force and a member of the #Suquamish #Tribe, said unresolved homicide or missing people cases have a large cultural effect on #tribal communities, since it can be difficult to perform ceremonies when the remains of loved ones have not been identified or recovered.
In Washington, one of the earliest recorded cases of missing and murdered Indigenous women took place in 1855, when miners murdered a #Yakama woman, her daughter and baby, igniting the Yakama War, according to some accounts.
#indigenous #americanindian #alaskan #native #suquamish #tribe #tribal #Yakama
“Dzidzilalich” has been proposed as an honorary name for the new Elliott Way in downtown #Seattle, and for Alaskan Way from Elliott Way to S Dearborn Street. I'm glad to see the name return to our waterfront, but couldn't we have done better than "Elliott Way" for the new road? https://www.writesofway.org/dzidzilalich-return-seattle-waterfront-honorary-name-elliott-way-alaskan-way/ #Lushootseed #Duwamish #Suquamish #Muckleshoot #StreetName #StreetNames #NativeNames #NativeAmerican
#nativeamerican #nativenames #streetnames #streetname #muckleshoot #suquamish #duwamish #lushootseed #seattle
Standing in #Seattle, WA, USA, above Lake #Washington, loking toward Mount #Rainier (#Suquamish, #Stillaguamish, #Duwamish, #Puyallup, #Cayuse, #Umatilla, #WallaWalla and others).
#pink #dawn #Landscape #Photography #wallawalla #umatilla #cayuse #puyallup #duwamish #stillaguamish #suquamish #rainier #Washington #Seattle
The Space Needle in the distance across Puget Sound. Taken from Blake Island, birthplace of Chief Si’ahl (Seathl/Sealth), namesake of Seattle, Washington #Seattle #PNW #PugetSound #Duwamish #Suquamish #Boating #SpaceNeedle
#SpaceNeedle #boating #suquamish #duwamish #pugetsound #pnw #Seattle