Hi! I have compiled all info on Suraya'i on my website. Take a look and have fun!
#conlang #language #languages #linguistics #surayai #joinin
First let's cover the basics of Suraya'i language.
The alphabet consists of the following glyphs:
a, ai, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, ie, k, l, m, n, o, oi, p, ph, r, s, t, th, u, w, y, ya, z. The additional glyph is ', which is used to separate certain syllables.
There is no pronunciation of Suraya'i.
The standard, that is.
The Suraya'i folks live all around the world, thus their languages vary community by community. With the rise of internet and online connection the communities gathered together to create the standarized version of the written language.
Suraya'i from different communities talk to each other either through non-verbal and non-written ways (hand signs that are also the language of Deaf Suraya'i, facial expressions, onomatopoeias and body language). Local cliques do utilize their own dialects between each other.
The pronouns present as following:
First person singular: ko'ai
Second person singular: nau
Third person singular: ma'ie (one for all genders!)
First person plural: ko'au (comes from 1st+2nd person singular)
Second person plural: na'ki
Third person plural: namie (2nd singular+3rd singular)
In my next beep I will expand on grammar of the language :blobcatcheer2:
#conlang #language #linguistics #JoinIn #SurayaI #communication #languages
#conlang #language #linguistics #joinin #surayai #communication #languages
Would you like me to post about my conlang, the Suraya'i? (in addition to posting resources on my website)
Also looking for more conlang folk to connect with~
#conlang #language #linguistics #JoinIn #SurayaI
#conlang #language #linguistics #joinin #surayai
Would you like me to post about my conlang, the Suraya'i? (in addition to posting resources on my website)
Also looking for more conlang folk to connect with~
#conlang #language #linguistics #JoinMe #SurayaI
#conlang #language #linguistics #joinme #surayai