Triumph! Went for the longest walk since surgery yet - our usual ‘loop around the neighborhood’ at about 1.3 miles. We used to do the loop 4-6 times a week but haven’t been able to for a month. I feel pretty good but I’m making myself sit & rest for a while before I do anything else.
Hopping on the stationary bike for the first time in 3.5ish weeks. Used to go ~45 minutes in a session; today I’m starting lightly at 10 minutes for the easiest program and I’m giving myself permission to bail if/when I need to. I still have to do laundry today, so I won’t be sitting immobile all day.
Today's #PostOp fun is nausea. The kind that just sorta hovers around the edges. Lurking. Not ramping up, but not moving along either. Good times!
#postop #hysterectomy #surgery #surgicalrecovery