Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: U.S. Virgin Islands' Former First Lady Is Accused of Collaborating With Jeffrey Epstein #Jezebel #unitedstatesvirginislands #crimeintheunitedstates #jeffreyepsteindays #johnpercydejonghjr #usvirginislands #jeffreyepstein #ceciledejongh #johndejonghjr #jedrakoff #surnames #jpmorgan #epstein #dejongh #surname
#jezebel #unitedstatesvirginislands #crimeintheunitedstates #jeffreyepsteindays #johnpercydejonghjr #usvirginislands #jeffreyepstein #ceciledejongh #johndejonghjr #jedrakoff #surnames #jpmorgan #epstein #dejongh #surname
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Jenny Lewis Touts Her Life As a Single, Child-Free 'Peter Pan Figure' in Her 40s #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #antifrackingmovement #cancersurvivors #robertdeniro #jennylewis #peterpan #surnames #surname #actors #lewis
#jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #antifrackingmovement #cancersurvivors #robertdeniro #jennylewis #peterpan #surnames #surname #actors #lewis
#introduction I joined Mastodon today after watching the Mastodon video on the Allen County Public Library YT channel. I am 23 and I absolutely love #genealogy since finding my late father's parents in the last two years. I live in KY with my family. #surname included are Unger, Gregory, Coe, Douglas, Starkweather, McCarey, Fulmer, Arnold, Schultz, VanPatten, Kimbell, Isham, Pollard, Martin, Baker and Millard. Most of my ancestors settled in Syracuse, New York and surrounding counties.
#introduction #Genealogy #surname
Wer die Verbreitung des eigenen Familiennamens wissen mag, findet unter dem folgenden Link eine schöne kartenbasierte Darstellung für Deutschland ...
Many years ago, I chanced upon a printed Genealogy of the Freligh family, written by Genealogist Theodore “Ted” Overbagh.
At the time, I had no evidence that my #Freligh lines met up with the ones in his Genealogy, so I contacted the author to see if he had any further information. He then sent me his “Addendum” to that document. From the second document, I was able to connect my Freligh lines to his substantial compiled #Genealogy.
[This article is intended to be a resource for Genealogists researching the Freligh surname and associated surnames, such as Fraleigh and Froelich. Additional resources for researching this surname and the Palatine Emigrants (aka “Pennsylvania Dutch”) are listed at the end of this article.]
#Genealogydons #FamilyTree #Ancestry #Surnames #Genealgists #Geneadons #SurnameStudy #SurnameStudies #Surname
#freligh #genealogy #genealogydons #familytree #ancestry #surnames #genealgists #geneadons #surnamestudy #surnamestudies #surname
Kotaku: One Piece Creator Asked AI To Write A New Manga Chapter #gaming #tech #kotaku #tonytonychopper #creativeworks #monkeydluffy #eiichirooda #funimation #nicorobin #onepiece #roblucci #surname #chatgpt #lucci #anime #oda
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #tonytonychopper #creativeworks #monkeydluffy #eiichirooda #funimation #nicorobin #onepiece #roblucci #surname #chatgpt #lucci #anime #ODA
Going back a bit to a recent #schoolLetter, #DearPrincipal this time. Some #names, a #holiday, a #song, and #woke.
Let's go!
#Berkowitz (also #Berkowicz, #Berkovich, etc) /ˈberkɔvɪt͡s (Yiddish), ˈbɝkəwɪts (English) = Ashkenazi Jewish #surname literally meaning “son of little bear.” Borrowed into English from Yiddish. Derived from the Yiddish #given #name #Berke...
#jwhia #schoolletter #dearprincipal #names #holiday #song #woke #berkowitz #berkowicz #berkovich #surname #given #name #berke
@jewwhohasitall Dominant arm still out of commission and still waiting on my fancy new keyboard, but I can manage a short toot with one-hand hunt-and-peck, because #names are always fun:
Doron /doˈʁon (Hebrew), dəˈɹon (English)/ = #givenName for boys and girls, borrowed into Mishnaic Hebrew from Ancient Greek approx 200-400 CE, meaning "gift" and "handswidth." Also #surname, as matronymic then patronymic. #Name borrowed into English from Hebrew.
#names #givenname #surname #name
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Tommy Lee’s Wife Mocks Pamela Anderson on TikTok, Is Shamed Into Deleting #Jezebel #pamelaanderson #brittanyfurlan #sebastianstan #humaninterest #lilyjames #pambeesly #pammakeup #tommylee #anderson #netflix #surname #tiktok #pamela #humans #actors
#jezebel #pamelaanderson #brittanyfurlan #sebastianstan #humaninterest #lilyjames #pambeesly #pammakeup #TommyLee #anderson #netflix #surname #tiktok #pamela #Humans #actors
A Double Amputee Was Shot and Killed by the LAPD | #losangelespolicedepartment #blacklivesmatter #hugoreynaga #tyrenichols #anthonylowe #law2ccrime #surnames #surname #tased #names #lowe
#losangelespolicedepartment #blacklivesmatter #hugoreynaga #tyrenichols #anthonylowe #law2ccrime #surnames #surname #tased #names #lowe
#RaceIsBullshit #Race is a political construct.
A #melanin_count, #appearance, #surname do not a 'race' make.
#Racism, #antisemitism, #genocide, #xenophobia, #colonialism, #state_violence, #discrimination, #oppression, etc are the results of people BELIEVING in race.
#raceisbullshit #race #melanin_count #appearance #surname #racism #antisemitism #genocide #xenophobia #colonialism #state_violence #discrimination #oppression
Margaret /'margrɪt or 'margərɪt (US English) = female #given #name meaning "pearl"; attested in English at least since the 1000s.
#Margalit (also #Margalith, #Marganit) /marga'lit (Hebrew), 'margəlit (English)/ = 1. female #given #name meaning "gem, pearl" ➡️ 2. a Jewish #matronymic ➡️ #paternal #surname attested at least as early as the late 1400s.
#given #name #margalit #margalith #marganit #matronymic #paternal #surname
#Roth /rɑθ (English, from German and Gaelic) = a #surname common among Jews, adopted from local gentile surnames. 1. From Scots and Scottish English (from Scottish Gaelic, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European), "wheel"; 2. from German, etymologically murky; possibly from a word meaning "red," "wood," "king," "bloodshed from war," or "fame." Variations of the name include #Rothschild, #Reitman, #Rothwell, #Rottbaum, etc
#roth #surname #rothschild #reitman #rothwell #rottbaum
#Sandler (also #Sandlar) /ˈsændlɚ (English)/ = Jewish #surname, borrowed into English from Yiddish and Hebrew, with 2 etymologies: 1. borrowed into Hebrew from Latin SANDLARIUS (= sandal/shoe-maker), maintains that meaning in Hebrew, and has other variants e.g. #Sandel and #Sandelmann. 2. borrowed into Hebrew from a diminutuve of the Greek #given #name Alexander (= helper of men); Jews have used Greek names since at least the destruction of the Second Temple 2000+ years ago.
#sandler #sandlar #surname #sandel #sandelmann #given #name
#DiPasquale /di pæˈskwale (English, from Italian) = di (of) + Pasquale (originally a male given #name; ultimately from Hebrew Pesach. in contemporary Italian it means "related to Passover and/or Easter"). Di Pasquale = "of Pasquale" (a patronymic that became a #surname)
#Chag /χaɡ/ = festival
#dipasquale #name #surname #chag
Kevin de León is at the Heart of the Latest LA Council Nonsense | #californiastatesenators #losangelescitycouncil #provinceoflec3b3n #kevindelec3b3n #paulkrekorian #nurymartinez #socialissues #california #jasonreedy #gilcedillo #delec3b3n #kevinde #surname #twitter #deleon #leon
#californiastatesenators #losangelescitycouncil #provinceoflec3b3n #kevindelec3b3n #paulkrekorian #nurymartinez #socialissues #California #jasonreedy #gilcedillo #delec3b3n #kevinde #surname #Twitter #deleon #leon
Shanquella Robinson's Family Held a Rally For Justice As Mother Reveals What Friends Said Before Her Funeral | #shanquellarobinson #salmondrarobinson #braxtonwinston #humaninterest #law2ccrime #salamondra #nightline #robinson #surnames #surname #names
#shanquellarobinson #salmondrarobinson #braxtonwinston #humaninterest #law2ccrime #salamondra #nightline #robinson #surnames #surname #names
A graphic which includes the top #surnames in my local #ancestry database. This includes the families of my spouse. #surname cloud #gramps #genealogy
#surnames #ancestry #surname #gramps #genealogy
In #2020 I moved to the #Manawatu (which needs a #macron over the "u") District and was pleased to find that at least three of my second-cousins whose birth-#surname was #Forlong lived within an hour's drive and that that radius included our common great-grandfather's #tombstone. That man, #GordonForlong, a lawyer turned preacher, has an entry in the Dictionary of #NewZealand #Biography. . Good move - except that I had had several first cousins closer before! #genealogy #FamilyTree #FamilyTrees
#manawatu #macron #surname #forlong #tombstone #gordonforlong #newzealand #biography #genealogy #familytree #familytrees