is a hard thing to break. I disabled Discover because it was failing me - continuing to show me articles about topics I had said "not interested in," showing me ads from companies I'd blocked. So now I notice a lot more when I swipe and get the "hey, turn me back on" message. I do it several times a day, a lot more than I'd expected I did.

This way of just ingraining data into our eyeballs can't be healthy.

#musclememory #google #surreptitious

Last updated 2 years ago

Putin delenda est · @banie01
60 followers · 599 posts · Server

The importance of a to anyone acting in as a is paramount.
Many massive cultivate relationships as it is vital to their
Owning a ?
Means that a lot of remains in-house and

#billions #surreptitious #oversight #liquidity #banker #prime #brokerages #broker #bank

Last updated 2 years ago