Votre employeur peut vous espionner à travers le miroir de la vidéoconférence de Zoom, des échanges collaboratifs de Slack, de MS, Outlook et Word, et de l'espace de travail de Google https://emploi.developpez.com/actu/346553/Votre-employeur-peut-vous-espionner-a-travers-le-miroir-de-la-videoconference-de-Zoom-des-echanges-collaboratifs-de-Slack-de-MS-Outlook-et-Word-et-de-l-espace-de-travail-de-Google #cloud #saas #zoom_(visioconférence) #slack #office_365 #visioconférence #espionnage #surveil
#surveil #espionnage #visioconference #office_365 #slack #zoom_ #saas #cloud
Is it ever OK to #surveil your #boyfriend’s #internet activity?
And not just Americans, of course. American companies #surveil all of us, and anyone can buy that data.
"A newly declassified report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reveals that the federal government is buying troves of data about Americans."
"Members of #Poland’s ruling Law and Justice party want to make it easier for Polish authorities to electronically #surveil citizens by giving officers easier access to their emails and social media messages." | via @EURACTIV https://www.euractiv.com/section/politics/news/polish-government-working-on-controversial-surveillance-bill/
It's pretty clear: Facial recognition is kind of "racist" and even when it isn't, it is increasingly intrusive. It should never justify holding a suspect.
At least three black men have been arrested and held based solely on being matched by facial recognition to criminals. That's creepy but also flawed since these systems are predominantly trained on and tuned for lighter-skinned faces.
My piece today in FastCo with #UJCSexWorkers lays out some pro #police thinking that's been bugging me for a while.
Whether you're watching their $$ or their bodies, it's not OK to #surveil #abortion patients, families seeking #genderaffirming care, or #SWers #surveillance #democrats #digitalrights #transrights #SexWork
#sexwork #transrights #digitalrights #democrats #surveillance #swers #genderaffirming #abortion #surveil #Police #ujcsexworkers
Students Rebel Against Heat-Sensing Crotch Monitor Surveillance Devices https://hackaday.com/2022/12/12/students-rebel-against-heat-sensing-crotch-monitor-surveillance-devices/ #HackadayColumns #occupancysensor #SecurityHacks #surveillance #desksensor #sensors #surveil #Rants
#occupancysensor #SecurityHacks #surveillance #desksensor #sensors #surveil #Rants #HackadayColumns
Students Rebel Against Heat-Sensing Crotch Monitor Surveillance Devices - Surveillance has become a ubiquitous part of modern life. Public spaces are dotted... - https://hackaday.com/2022/12/12/students-rebel-against-heat-sensing-crotch-monitor-surveillance-devices/ #hackadaycolumns #occupancysensor #securityhacks #surveillance #desksensor #sensors #surveil #rants
#rants #surveil #sensors #desksensor #surveillance #securityhacks #occupancysensor #hackadaycolumns
So... @Raspberry_Pi cofounder doesn't see a problem with their boards being used to #surveil people without consent, and instead it's just people mad on a #discord with not getting boards...
Yeah, I think I'm done with the #raspberrypi now... #Pine64 herein.
#surveil #discord #raspberrypi #pine64
RT @survstudies@twitter.com
Very happy to see so much interest in today's seminar with @Sarah_Brayne@twitter.com abt her book #Predict and #Surveil where she discusses the future of #policing.
Don't hesitate to join us. The seminar will not be recorded. Looking forward to welcoming you all!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/survstudies/status/1590279027600011264
#Apps_Stores are Nothing More than #WET_Markets.
NOTHING MORE THAN 3rd #Party #ILLEGAL #DATA_MINING ON STEROIDS #scraping and #stealing your #DATA!
Third Party #injected_cookies, #THIRD_PARTY #applications, 3rd party #KPI’s with unknown 3rd Party #API #PAYLOADS?
#STAY_AWAY! TREAT w/ Extreme Caution
#Google Purged Almost 1,000 Abusive ‘#Creeperware’ Apps.
Now Some Are #Coming_Back??
(That's because they are #SPAWNING Timed Trojan Horses..;)
In June 2019, a group of Cybersecurity researchers notified #Google of more than 1,000 potentially #malicious_apps on the company’s #Play_Store that can be used to #surveil , #monitor, and #harass_users.
Their findings, which have not previously been reported, eventually led to one of the #largest_ever #mass_removals of #Android_apps. 5/5/2020
Please Read Carefully.
We have NO APP in a #APP_Store.. WHY? Everyone has been pushed into all the app stores as if the APP Store is an #Authority of #Credibility & #Trust? (IT'S NOT).
These Apps Stores are nothing more than #WET_Markets.. #STAY_AWAY!
Allow us to explain..
Back in the day, many years ago. #Bootstrap was already in #existence under a different name:
Simply called: #Liquid_Text_Flow.
Where text & columns layout correctly -almost #Intuitively.. TO ANY #RESOLUTION SIZE.. --B4 #Cell_Phones were connected to the Internet!
Mobile technology was already available in its infantile stages back in 2000..
But what wasn't available was #free_traffic (#EXPOSURE) to launch these lil scaled down versions of a web sites which were very limited in features and functions VOID WEBSITE TRAFFIC;(
You see folks I am the #FOUNDER of #SEO. back in the day after building the web site and hiring some guy in India to make the site #mobile_friendly (which was all BULLSHIT) ..bc the avg webmaster could not figure out how to bring or build traffic to their web sites to create SALES???
btw.. APPS aka Applications were always scaled down versions of the FULL VERSION of your website not the other way around as these #lying #app_stores would have you believe?
APP STORES realized they could inject their own #BACK_END Payloads (AKA #NEFARIOUS #SERVER_SIDE SCRIPTING)-- #piggy_backing off of your INVENTION = your STOLEN Intellectual Property rights (#IP)??
In the same way #Amazon owns no hardware OR SOFTWARE while #AWS is #Piggy_Backing off of ORACLES SOFTWARE and HARDWRE. (a trusted centralized company?
We think not! All dominoes will fall soon with Oracle.
..and other #malicious programs (tracking and tracing etc.) that did a lot more than just provide basic site functions.
They are #Magnets for #Third_Party_payloads profiting from your hard work behind the scenes..
Collecting DATA INFO FROM YOUR CUSTOMERS --unknowingly for years
The Race to be #TOP_DOG for #DATA_MINING Collection -was ON!
..and the app stores realized they could cash in, “YOUR CUSTOMERS WILL NEVER KNOW that we are stealing their data and compromising their #RIGHT to #PRIVACY.. aka Klondike Day-like BONANZA!”
..all going on behind the scenes..
During the #Mobile_Craze everyone and even the #dog thought they needed an app in the App Store to be in an ONLINE BUSINESS.. UGH!
All manipulated to believe in another BIG #LIE!
India RAPED the General Public, as well, with this NEW TECH called #BOOTSTRAP.. REMEMBER?
BASICALLY THEY RE-NAMED “liquid text flow” to Bootstrap and made it their own-- AS IF invented it??
TastingTraffic's Mobile Version is 100% Fully Functional Mobile Application to completely navigate ENTIRE site from any mobile device in the world.
(The Meat and Potatoes)
* #No_App_Download needed or *required
* #Zero (0) #Third_Parties or #Third_Party_Data_Collection!
* We can adapt to #ANY mobile device -out the box (any phone).
* And Best of All #DATA is STORED and protected In-House; on our PRIVATE PROTECTED #BULLETPROOF CLOUD without any #Third_Party_Connections
Disclaimer: https://tastingtraffic.net (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [http://tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#founder #SEO #SPILLS #BEANS #Apps_Stores #WET_Markets #Party #illegal #DATA_MINING #scraping #stealing #data #injected_cookies #THIRD_PARTY #applications #KPI #API #PAYLOADS #STAY_AWAY #google #Creeperware #Coming_Back #SPAWNING #malicious_apps #PLAY_STORE #surveil #monitor #harass_users #largest_ever #mass_removals #Android_Apps #big_tech #APP_STORE #Authority #Credibility #TRUST #Bootstrap #existence #Liquid_Text_Flow #Intuitively #RESOLUTION #Cell_Phones #free_traffic #Exposure #mobile_friendly #APP_STORES #born #lying #BACK_END #NEFARIOUS #SERVER_SIDE #piggy_backing #ip #Amazon #aws #malicious #Magnets #Third_Party_payloads #TOP_DOG #right #privacy #Mobile_Craze #dog #lie #IP_Theft #facebook #CROOKS #No_App_Download #zero #Third_Parties #Third_Party_Data_Collection #any #BULLETPROOF #Third_Party_Connections
> #Microsoft doesn’t claim that any of the code Copilot produces is correct. That’s still your problem. Thus, Copilot essentially tasks you with correcting a 12-year-old’s homework, over and over... per-line usage surely produces fewer errors and probably no license violations.. But that’s not at all how #Copilot is marketed.. low-cost toys whose main purpose is developer #surveillance rather than #CodeSynthesis.
#MatthewButterick #GitHub #AI
#ai #github #MatthewButterick #CodeSynthesis #surveil #copilot #microsoft
2/2…for your people. They'll be happy with the trashy home they get.
Play along and you'll be rewarded with this #islandGetaway lifestyle we have for you. With these #drones you can #sacrifice miners who try to access your #island. With these other devices you can #surveil and makes demands on your #miners through what they believe are #SmartDevices, just glorified #trackingDevices. If a miner steps out-of-line use this button and they'll be placed in a #hotel and #quarantined.
Got it?
#islandGetaway #drones #sacrifice #island #surveil #miners #smartDevices #trackingdevices #hotel #quarantined