🎵Every step you make, every move you make, every bond you break, I'll be watching you
Yours sincerely,
#fckgoogle #privacy #MassSurveilance #massenuberwachung #privatsphähre #surveillanceCapitism
#surveillanceCapitism #privatsphahre #massenuberwachung #MassSurveilance #privacy #fckgoogle
And yet another blow to evil #meta in the EU:
#surveillanceCapitism #privacy #digitalprivacy #meta
Delighted to speak at @CASISVancouver ‘West Coast security conference: Disruption’ 2022 today on ‘Ethics in Dystopia? Digital Adaptation and US Military Information Operations’ https://casisvancouver.ca/westcoastconference/ #propaganda #ethics #influenceoperations #disinformation #infoops #psyop #socialmedia #AI #data #surveillanceCapitism #Russia #USA #military
#military #USA #Russia #surveillanceCapitism #data #ai #socialmedia #psyop #InfoOps #disinformation #influenceoperations #ethics #propaganda
Yeah, this is a great achievement. Anyhow it is sad are using providers from #surveillanceCapitism like Zoom of MS Teams instead of independent infrastructure. Latest rush from Twitter to Mastodon shows that we need independent infrastructure - and we need to use and promote it *now* to have it available if need arises.
So please @HWiesenmueller stop using and promoting Zoom. Thanks
✊🏻 Hospital patients join together for a class-action suit against #Meta for tracking software that sent #healthcare information to #Facebook in violation of #health #privacy laws.
#DeleteFacebook #surveillanceCapitism
#surveillanceCapitism #DeleteFacebook #privacy #health #Facebook #healthcare #meta
🕵🏻 What could possibly go wrong?
🇬🇧 #UK Home Office and Ministry of Justice has hired a contractor to run a program that will require convicted migrants to take selfies via a #smartwatch 5 times per day.
#surveillanceCapitism #privacy #smartwatch #UK
If we don't do something, we're going to end up in a situation where ads are so prevalent that ads are literally everywhere in someone's house. #SurveillanceCapitism
#China #surveillanceCapitism to roll out #facialrecognition to stop kids from playing games
#china #surveillanceCapitism #facialrecognition