Global News BC: Chinese spy balloon flight path over Canada: Defence officials reveal route #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ChineseSurveillanceBalloon #surveillanceballoon #chinesespyballoon #spyballooncanada #chinaspyballoon #spyballoonchina #ChinaBalloon #CanadaChina #ChinaCanada #CanadaNews #Spyballoon #chinanews #Politics #Canada #World #China #NORAD
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #chinesesurveillanceballoon #surveillanceballoon #chinesespyballoon #spyballooncanada #chinaspyballoon #spyballoonchina #chinaballoon #CanadaChina #ChinaCanada #CanadaNews #spyballoon #chinanews #politics #Canada #world #china #norad
In related news, Carl Fredricksen, the owner of a house featured in the movie "Up" that is airborne after being elevated by balloons, has been informed by the Dept. of Defense to register all flight plans with them for the near future.
I'm guessing the reason they waited this long to "leak" the information about the #U2 imagery is because they'd hoped they would be able to recover enough of the platform by now to be able to prove it was a #SurveillanceBalloon without revealing more about their methods, and since #China has been holding its ground the #US decided to show one of its cards to get them to fold.
#u2 #surveillanceballoon #china #us
"China's massive espionage program is first rate. And this balloon operation over the U.S. was considered clumsy and clunky.
"The Chinese had to know that a large balloon — visible to civilians with the naked eye — would be detected. That raises the possibility that one of the Chinese goals was to see how the U.S. would react to this kind of provocation."
#china #balloon #surveillance #surveillanceballoon
How can I convince people to switch on #signal ? Here there are a some suggestions!
Come posso convincere le persone a switchare su signal? Qui alcuni suggerimenti :P
#signal #privacy #surveillanceballoon #surveillance #whatsappdown