"Attention! We do not recommend that you install this particular component of the Torment Nexus, but please, we beg you, keep using our Torment Nexus affiliate links to purchase all the other Torment Nexus components for your home during the annual Torment Nexus shopping spree."
Wired, sweetie, you ought to know by now... it ain't the tree, it's the forest.
#Amazon #Surveillance #SurveillanceEconomy #BigTech
#amazon #surveillance #surveillanceeconomy #bigtech
Wired: The US Is Openly Stockpiling Dirt on All Its Citizens https://www.wired.com/story/odni-commercially-available-information-report/ #Tech #wired #TechNews #IT #Technology via @morganeogerbc #Security/SecurityNews #SurveillanceEconomy #Security/Privacy #nationalsecurity #surveillance #Security #privacy #FISA #NSA
#Tech #wired #technews #it #technology #security #surveillanceeconomy #nationalsecurity #surveillance #privacy #fisa #nsa
The US Is Openly Stockpiling Dirt on All Its Citizens - A newly declassified report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence reve... - https://www.wired.com/story/odni-commercially-available-information-report/ #security/securitynews #surveillanceeconomy #security/privacy #security
#surveillanceeconomy #security
CBDC Debate Heats Up: BIS Project Sparks Controversy Among Critics; Lynette Zang Warns of Dangers of CBDCs - During the weekend, discussions about central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, t... - https://news.bitcoin.com/cbdc-debate-heats-up-bis-project-sparks-controversy-among-critics-lynette-zang-warns-of-dangers-of-cbdcs/ #bitcoinpolicyinstitute #politicalinfluencers #surveillanceeconomy #keynesianeconomist #governmentcontrol #projecticebreaker #siliconvalleybank #conspiracytheory
#conspiracytheory #siliconvalleybank #projecticebreaker #governmentcontrol #keynesianeconomist #surveillanceeconomy #politicalinfluencers #bitcoinpolicyinstitute
just wanted to share some background reading if you're thinking about coming to my talk at #scale20x
imho you can't understand the #surveillanceEconomy without understanding #scamCulture (as explained by Prof. Tressie McMillan Cottom) Helps understand not just what the "privacy harms" are, but also what are the weak points of corporate surveillance
#scale20x #surveillanceeconomy #scamculture
Analyst Warns of Banks’ Authority to Confiscate Funds, Decline of US Dollar Purchasing Power - According to Lynette Zang, chief market analyst at ITM Trading, U.S. banks have th... - https://news.bitcoin.com/analyst-warns-of-banks-authority-to-confiscate-funds-decline-of-us-dollar-purchasing-power/ #federaldepositinsurancecorporation #centralbankdigitalcurrencies #excessivemoneyprinting #confiscationauthority #dodd-franklegislation #surveillanceeconomy #u.s.financialsystem #fiatcurrencies
#fiatcurrencies #u #surveillanceeconomy #dodd #confiscationauthority #excessivemoneyprinting #centralbankdigitalcurrencies #federaldepositinsurancecorporation
Few Americans Understand Online Privacy and Tracking, Report Says - Many consumers want control over their personal details. But few understand how online tr... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/07/technology/online-privacy-tracking-report.html #healthinsuranceportabilityandaccountabilityact #data-mininganddatabasemarketing #universityofpennsylvania #federaltradecommission #commercialsurveillance #surveillanceeconomy #mobileapplications #onlineadvertising #noticeandconsent #turowjoseph
#turowjoseph #noticeandconsent #onlineadvertising #mobileapplications #surveillanceeconomy #commercialsurveillance #federaltradecommission #universityofpennsylvania #data #healthinsuranceportabilityandaccountabilityact
Americans Flunked This Test on Online Privacy - Many consumers want control over their personal details. But few understand how online tr... - https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/07/technology/penn-privacy-survey-flunked-consent.html #healthinsuranceportabilityandaccountabilityact #data-mininganddatabasemarketing #universityofpennsylvania #federaltradecommission #commercialsurveillance #surveillanceeconomy #mobileapplications #onlineadvertising #noticeandconsent #informedconsent #turowjoseph
#turowjoseph #informedconsent #noticeandconsent #onlineadvertising #mobileapplications #surveillanceeconomy #commercialsurveillance #federaltradecommission #universityofpennsylvania #data #healthinsuranceportabilityandaccountabilityact
Im #ArabischerFruehling waren T*itter u F*cebook eine technische Basis fĂĽr die Kommunikation.
Sie haben mit ihrer Gier u #SurveillanceEconomy die Chance auf eine zukĂĽnftige Bedeutung vergeigt.
#arabischerfruehling #surveillanceeconomy
Die #SurveillanceEconomy der digitalen Werbewirtschaft u der #Platforms gefährden die Demokratie u die Persönlichkeitsrechte. Sie gehört explizit verboten. @BMWK @Bundesregierung
#surveillanceeconomy #platforms
The Tesla EV is a surveillance orgy in today's surveillance economy.
#surveillanceEconomy #GDPR #surveillance #surveillanceOrgy #privacy #tesla #elonMusk
#surveillanceeconomy #gdpr #surveillance #surveillanceorgy #privacy #tesla #elonmusk
Let's talk about Texas wanting to remove teens from social media.... | by Beau of the 5th Column
Beware of the fascist moves of GQP ...
#groomer #fascism #surveillanceEconomy #surveillanceState #Texas
#groomer #fascism #surveillanceeconomy #surveillancestate #texas
(this is not really a US politics post—it's a #surveillanceAdvertising #surveillanceEconomy post like most of the other stuff I post on here)
One of the easiest surveillance ad business models is the "petition" or "survey" with an upsell to political contribution. If you're in the USA and not already Internet famous for something else, you could be making mad cash with this (as a bonus, the $ doesn't go to a real politician, it's like a negative contribution)
#SurveillanceAdvertising #surveillanceeconomy
Living without the #GAFAM is possible, but feels a lot like being an alien from 1999 living in 2019.
#gafam #privacy #surveillanceeconomy