I called it!
U.S. Spy Agency Dreams of Surveillance Underwear It’s Calling “SMART ePANTS”
#survelliance #clothes #comics #underwear
@ahafeezs I agree. And you can fight for human rights to not settle for regulations that violate them.
#HumanRights #privacy #survelliance #agenda2030
@ahafeezs "Once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy. Nowhere I can go and not be registered. I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded. I just hope that nobody will use it against me."
#privacy #survelliance #agenda2030
This is an incredible talk about creating art that examines our relationship with technology by using that technology to watch us use it. https://youtu.be/Q9zfwHQrh_o
#art #technology #strangeloop #survelliance
Interessante Frage: Kann ein Smartphone auch im Flugmodus geortet bzw. "angepingt" werden? Bitte seriöse Quellen bei Beantwortung.
#überwachung #survelliance #ios #android
2021-01-24, 12:52, Sunday.
Well, today I'm writing in the afternoon, since the morning was preoccupied with some work. Yesterday's events in Moscow led my thoughts to an interesting conclusion: convenience usually leads to cavpivity. Here in Moscow the majority of transportation (some trains, subway, buses and trams) works with so called "troika" cards which you can top up. Each card is unique and they are usually bought and topped up using your card. So you are identified by these cards; more so, if you choose to buy a ticket, it is also identified with a number and there are more than enough cameras to identify you. But they can't store this footage indefenitely, right? But these tickets expire very soon,m my guess - as soon as the data is purged, a few months I believe.
Actually, think China, these guys dont need to use tickets! Facial recognition and virtual wallet tied to your ID. Oh, how convenient, right?
#survelliance #thoughts #Russia #Moscow #life #privacy
#survelliance #thoughts #russia #moscow #life #privacy