hlanthorn · @hlanthorn
153 followers · 112 posts · Server econtwitter.net

6/ w/ a we did an initial exploration of respondent willingness to commit to a dignity agenda.

We randomly assigned a control msg (C) or 1 of 4 short, affect-based messages encouraging such commitment.

C: a Q
T1: msg
T2: msg
T3: msg
T4: msg

#surveyexperiment #reflection #annoyance #disgust #joy #satisfaction

Last updated 2 years ago

Kyle Reed, PhD · @KyleReedPhD
693 followers · 58 posts · Server mastodon.social

folks - where would you suggest somebody looks for small (in the scheme of things) grants to cover the cost of fielding the survey?

Substantively exploring questions of foreign policy, public opinion, and law. Asking for a me (and a cooler coauthor).

#surveyexperiment #researchfunding #academicmastodon #academicchatter

Last updated 2 years ago

Bjørn Sætrevik · @satrevik
220 followers · 32 posts · Server mastodon.social

What makes us comply to infection control measures? The team performed a survey experiment in the early pandemic (N=2 533). We manipulated whether a pandemic outbreak was described as high (vs. low) risk with prosocial (vs. self-interested) appeals to comply. We found both factors to have small effects on intention to comply.

Now published as the first PhD paper of Sebastian Bjørkheim: journals.plos.org/plosone/arti

#pandrisk #surveyexperiment #compliance #infectioncontrolmeasures #pandemicresearch

Last updated 2 years ago