A program I worked on all through the 80s implemented a propositional modeler based on #Peirce's #LogicalGraphs, improving the efficiency of the Alpha level through the use of #MinimalNegationOperators. There's a collection of articles, blog posts, and group discussions about that linked on the following page.
#ThemeOneProgram • #SurveyPage
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/06/12/survey-of-theme-one-program-4/
#surveypage #ThemeOneProgram #MinimalNegationOperators #LogicalGraphs #Peirce
Just for future reference, there's a collection of (OEIS)wiki articles, blog posts, and group discussions pertaining to #Peirce's #LogicalGraphs linked on the following page.
#AnimatedLogicalGraphs • #SurveyPage
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2021/05/01/survey-of-animated-logical-graphs-4/
#surveypage #AnimatedLogicalGraphs #LogicalGraphs #Peirce
#Cybernetics • #SurveyPage
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/09/08/survey-of-cybernetics-2/
This is a Survey of blog posts relating to Cybernetics. It includes the selections and comments I've posted so far on #Ashby's Introduction to Cybernetics plus two series of reflections on the governance of social systems in light of cybernetic and semiotic principles.
#ashby #surveypage #cybernetics
#Cybernetics • #SurveyPage
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/09/08/survey-of-cybernetics-2/
❝Again, in a ship, if a man were at liberty to do what he chose, but were devoid of mind and excellence in navigation (αρετης κυβερνητικης), do you perceive what must happen to him and his fellow sailors?❞
— #Plato • #Alcibiades • 135 A
#alcibiades #plato #surveypage #cybernetics
Just by way of canned goods for the holidays, the following link will introduce a budget of resources on the issues of definition and determination I collected a few years back.
#Definition and #Determination • #SurveyPage
• https://mathstodon.xyz/@Inquiry/109563879211607930
#surveypage #determination #definition
#Definition and #Determination • #SurveyPage
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/09/06/survey-of-definition-and-determination-1/
Thus I was led me to collect a sample of texts where Peirce and a few other writers discuss the issues of definition and determination. There are copies of those selections at the following sites.
(See the blog page linked here.)
#AI #AdaptiveSystems #IntelligentSystems #InquiryDrivenSystems
#Peirce #Semiotics #Semeiotics #SignRelations #LogicOfScience
#logicofscience #SignRelations #semeiotics #semiotics #Peirce #InquiryDrivenSystems #IntelligentSystems #adaptivesystems #ai #surveypage #determination #definition
#Definition and #Determination • #SurveyPage
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/09/06/survey-of-definition-and-determination-1/
Two of the first questions calling for fresh examination were the closely related concepts of definition and determination, not only as #Peirce used them in his #Logic and #Semiotics but as researchers in #ComputerScience, #Cybernetics, #Physics, and #SystemsScience found themselves forced to revisit in later years.
#AI #AdaptiveSystems #IntelligentSystems #InquiryDrivenSystems
#Semeiotics #SignRelations #LogicOfScience
#logicofscience #SignRelations #semeiotics #InquiryDrivenSystems #IntelligentSystems #adaptivesystems #ai #systemsscience #physics #cybernetics #computerscience #semiotics #logic #Peirce #surveypage #determination #definition
#Definition and #Determination • #SurveyPage
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2020/09/06/survey-of-definition-and-determination-1/
In the early 1990s, “in the middle of life’s journey” as the saying goes, I returned to grad school in a #SystemsEngineering program with the idea of taking a more systems-theoretic approach to my development of Peircean themes, from #Signs and #ScientificInquiry to #Logic and #InformationTheory.
#AI #AdaptiveSystems #IntelligentSystems #InquiryDrivenSystems
#Peirce #Semiotics #Semeiotics #SignRelations #LogicOfScience
#logicofscience #SignRelations #semeiotics #semiotics #Peirce #InquiryDrivenSystems #IntelligentSystems #adaptivesystems #ai #informationtheory #logic #scientificinquiry #signs #systemsengineering #surveypage #determination #definition
#InquiryDrivenSystems • #SurveyPage
• https://inquiryintoinquiry.com/2022/08/12/survey-of-inquiry-driven-systems-4/
An #InquiryDrivenSystem is a system having among its #StateVariables some representing its #StateOfInformation with respect to various topics of interest, for example, its own state and the states of any potential #ObjectSystems. Thus it has a #ComponentOfState tracing a trajectory though an #InformationStateSpace.
Related —
#AI #IntelligentSystems
#Logic #DifferentialLogic
#Peirce #Inquiry #Semiotics
#ScientificMethod #Cybernetics
#cybernetics #scientificmethod #semiotics #inquiry #Peirce #DifferentialLogic #logic #IntelligentSystems #ai #informationstatespace #componentofstate #objectsystems #stateofinformation #statevariables #inquirydrivensystem #surveypage #InquiryDrivenSystems