Tällä mennään. Jokaisen on ratkaistava, kumpaa sisäistä riikkaa ruokkii.
I hate the migraines I get from hunger + extreme stress
Pretty sure that's what's going on, and it's miserable 😓
#Migraine #NEISvoid #survivalmode
I have to redo a main quest because lack of sleep keeps doing me in. 🤡
Let's learn to make camping equipments this time. :acnh_laughter:
I have to redo a main quest because lack of sleep keeps doing my character in. 🤡
Let's learn to make camping equipments this time. :acnh_laughter:
No insult intended toward Skyrim or the games industry in general (for which I hold a weird, conflicted affection), but my everyday life feels too much like Survival Mode right now to want to play any video game in Survival Mode. I wish I could switch my RL to "Story Mode" instead, because the current DLC sucks. #LifeIsButAGame #SurvivalMode
This article from late 2021 kinda sums up my current feelings on Survival Mode in Skyrim: "Skyrim's Survival Mode is Great If You Love Misery". 😆 Like the author of that article, I too apparently have a limit on how much misery I want Skyrim to throw me!
Notes about Skyrim mods relevant to survival runs, for Future Me, when I consider trying Survival Mode again in a run where I can mod the parts I don't like. Recommendations for any mods I don't have in this post welcome.
#SurvivalMode #Skyrim #AnnaPlaysSkyrim
#survivalmode #skyrim #AnnaPlaysSkyrim
As of hitting level 32 in Kendis' run, I'm officially bailing on playing her in Survival Mode. Main reason for why: it takes a lot of the fun out of the College of Winterhold for me. :( More deets as to my reasoning in the post.
#AnnaPlaysSkyrim #SurvivalMode #Skyrim
#AnnaPlaysSkyrim #survivalmode #skyrim
No fridges in the next two hotels 😑 fml
A week of canned tuna and chicken ahead.
#cannedfood #nonperishables #survivalmode #fridge #travellife #hotellife #inconvenience
#inconvenience #HotelLife #travellife #fridge #survivalmode #nonperishables #cannedfood
✨ Play is the opposite of survival mode ✨
#play #art #mentalhealh #survivalmode #hustle