Wmson · @Sfwmson
346 followers · 3477 posts · Server universeodon.com

I wrote this to a friend in 2020:

So, not to be alarmist, I am NOT, but this latest corona virus thing got me thinking about all the post-apocalyptic books, stories, and movies I ever saw.

There's the hero leader, usually a person thrust into it and shines in their ability to handle it.

There's the number two person or people. There's the bad guys who want to rule it all.

But you know who they rarely focus on? The people who have trade skills...the electricians, doctors/medical people, farmers, masons, builders, engineers.

You know who they NEVER ever need? Wall street investors and lawyers and bankers and politicians. And flat earthers.

#apocolypsethoughts #trades #survivial #wallstreet #postapocolypse #corona

Last updated 2 years ago

StefaNonsense · @StefaNonsense
6 followers · 29 posts · Server elekk.xyz