So, das "Surviving" in Surviving Mars ist nun endgültig vorbei. Ich habe über 1000 Bewohner und eine Kuppel die komplett nur auf Tourismus ausgelegt ist. Inklusive Bar, Diner, Tennisplätzen, einer atembaren Atmosphäre ausserhalb der Kuppeln, einer Sightseeing-Fahrt, Wälder, Seen und Krankenhäusern mit Verjüngungskuren.
Das Spiel hat zwar kein offizielles Ende, aber ich denke ich habe es durchgespielt. 🙂
#videogames #gaming #survivingmars #pcgaming #pc #steam #xbox #playstation
#playstation #xbox #steam #pc #pcgaming #survivingmars #gaming #videogames
Step 1: Find Mars.
Step 2: Survive it.
Trying out a #SurvivingMars stream today ...
Con il nuovo pc potrò finalmente provare #SurvivingMars, che tra l'altro aveva un divertente soprannome visto che lo chiamavano "Elon Musk Simulator".
Secondo voi è bello?
Est-ce-que vous connaissez des jeux de stratégie comme #SurvivingMars qu'on puisse jouer avec des potes ensemble contre l'environnement?
Très dommage que Surviving Mars n'est pas multi-jouer...
#survivingmars #rts #askfedi #demandefedi
Pressing Start on another #Introduction post now that I've joined this instance! I'm a PC/mobile #gaymer who is constantly being given the side-eye by a Steam backlog that somehow keeps growing.
My sweet spot is #citybuilding games, simulations, and #turnbased strategy. My core games being:
(Used to spend all my time on #StarTrekOnline but have been on a hiatus since April 2021)
#introduction #gaymer #citybuilding #turnbased #citiesskylines #marvelstrikeforce #xcom #survivingmars #railwayempire #thesims4 #startrekonline
Hi folks, I just moved to and thought I should do another #introduction.
I'm a games user researcher / game accessibility specialist with a background in #psychology and #mental health.
I've contributed to various games like #SurvivingMars #LifeIsStrange 2, #Onrush and #FIFA.
More recently, I'm undertaking a PhD focused on video game #accessibility.
I'm also an interested in #Skateboarding, #Headphones, #Pets #Punk, #Cinema, #Horror and #HCI.
#hci #horror #cinema #punk #pets #headphones #skateboarding #accessibility #fifa #onrush #lifeisstrange #survivingmars #mental #psychology #introduction
7 games I've played lately:
* #Valheim - mostly for the sailing
* #GodOfWar (2018) - "emotionally stunted Dad simulator" with #TheLastOfUs and #BioShock Unlimited
* #SuperHot - the most innovative shooter I've played in years
* #AmericanTruckSimulator - just picked up the #Colorado DLC
* #PrisonArchitect - still can't actually get a successful prison going here, I'm too nice :(
* #SurvivingMars - very addictive, especially with trains!
* #SuperLiminal - genuinely fun and witty puzzle game
#valheim #godofwar #thelastofus #bioshock #superhot #americantrucksimulator #colorado #prisonarchitect #survivingmars #Superliminal
Messed with the migration feature and lost all my followers. :( So, here's another #introduction for #introductions.
I'm a #gamedev that works as a user researcher and #accessibility specialist. I've previously worked on #videogames like #lifeisstrange 2
& #Survivingmars.
I'm now on a mission to understand and help with the challenges associated with making increasingly accessible games.
I'm also interested in
#introduction #introductions #gamedev #accessibility #videogames #lifeisstrange #survivingmars #hci #mentalhealth #skateboarding #psychology #punk #horror #movies #audio
@scarletrain Oof this is a tough one! I guess if I had to pick my 5 I’d say:
#LeagueOfLegends #fallout4 #animalcrossing #reddeadredemption2 #survivingmars
The maths for Martianborn and Earthborn colonists checks out, I *guess*? #SurvivingMars
@arthur ça me fait directement penser à #survivingMars
Malheureusement c'est un jeu solo 😶
Just when I thought I'd managed to break free of my all-encompassing #SurvivingMars addiction, they release a DLC that lets you build little Martian railways. I am never leaving this computer.
Surviving Mars is free on Steam right now - grab it and keep it. Not the best game ever, but... free is free: #linux #linuxgaming #survivingmars #mars #terraforming #free
#linuxgaming #survivingmars #mars #terraforming #free #linux
You can get Surviving Mars for Free on HB right now until the 14th. Average game, though: #linux #linuxgaming #survivingmars #humblebundle
#linux #linuxgaming #survivingmars #humblebundle
Streaming now! Let's talk! 👊🤟
#SurvivingMars | Firebird Colony
#iaspidem #twitch #twitchtv #stream #streaming #gaming #gamingchannel #streamers #SupportSmallStreams #SmallStreamersConnect #letsplay #moa
#moa #letsplay #SmallStreamersConnect #SupportSmallStreams #streamers #gamingchannel #Gaming #Streaming #Stream #twitchtv #Twitch #iaspidem #survivingmars
⭐️Streaming NOW!⭐️
👉Feel free to come on over and talk!👊🤟
#SurvivingMars | Firebird Colony
#iaspidem #Portal #twitch #twitchtv #stream #streaming #smallstreamer #SupportSmallStreams #SmallStreamersConnect #letsplay #moa
#moa #letsplay #SmallStreamersConnect #SupportSmallStreams #smallstreamer #Streaming #Stream #twitchtv #Twitch #portal #iaspidem #survivingmars
Live in 30m... for some #SurvivingMars
👉Help me reach 50 follows on #Twitch! 👊🤟
#iaspidem #gaming #gamingcommunity #twitchtv #stream #streaming #smallstreamer #SupportSmallStreams #SmallStreamersConnect #letsplay #moa
#moa #letsplay #SmallStreamersConnect #SupportSmallStreams #smallstreamer #Streaming #Stream #twitchtv #gamingcommunity #Gaming #iaspidem #Twitch #survivingmars
Streaming now! Let's talk!
#SurvivingMars | New Beginnings... New Colony
#iaspidem #twitch #twitchtv #stream #streaming #gaming #gamingchannel #streamers #SupportSmallStreams #SmallStreamersConnect #letsplay #moa
#moa #letsplay #SmallStreamersConnect #SupportSmallStreams #streamers #gamingchannel #Gaming #Streaming #Stream #twitchtv #Twitch #iaspidem #survivingmars
Live NOW!
#Playtrough #SurvivingMars
👉Help me hit 50 follows on Twitch!👊🤟
#iaspidem #twitchtv #stream #streaming #smallstreamer #SupportSmallStreams #SmallStreamersConnect #letsplay #moa
#moa #letsplay #SmallStreamersConnect #SupportSmallStreams #smallstreamer #Streaming #Stream #twitchtv #iaspidem #survivingmars #Playtrough