Gersande La Flèche · @gersande
806 followers · 3824 posts · Server

I blended about 2 cups of small, very sweet wild Québec strawberries with the juice of a lime, and added a bunch of ice. I then poured the iced gyokuro into it, and topped with a sprig of basil from the balcony garden.

Gyokuro packs a lot of caffeine per gramme, so I've been sipping this slowly and adding a lot of ice cubes, but this concoction is absolutely delicious. I'm absolutely going to do this again.

Found the recipe here:

#tea #tearitual #teainspiration #icedtea #DrinkTea #gyokuro #survivingsummerwithnoac

Last updated 1 year ago

Gersande La Flèche · @gersande
806 followers · 3823 posts · Server

A rare treat today to sustain my brain through this horrifying heat! I made an iced tea smoothie treat for myself.

Last night, I took 10 grammes of gyokuro and cold brewed it into a litre of water, which I then stuck into the fridge overnight.

The resulting gyokuro was light and delicious, it took all my self control to not drink it immediately this morning, but I had other plans...



#tea #tearitual #teainspiration #icedtea #DrinkTea #gyokuro #survivingsummerwithnoac

Last updated 1 year ago