RT @DorsetComFnd@twitter.com
We've been lucky with a relatively mild winter so far but that changes this week. Spare a thought for those who are unable to turn their heating up â or even on â and consider donating to our #SurvivingWinter appeal at http://www.dorsetcommunityfoundation.org
ðĶð: https://twitter.com/DorsetComFnd/status/1599682307945701378
Right now is a great time for brothy soups. Throw some miso in for great B12 boost.
Cranberries and oranges are packed with vitamin C. Throw them into a holiday treat or stop for a mandarin orange break.
Little things can make big differences. Vitamin D. A couple hours in the sunlight. Finding some quiet peace.
I'm not a nutritionist or a dietician. These are just things that seem to help me.
#mecfs #longCovid #survivingWinter #ouchThatsTasty for #recipes and #foodieTips
#mecfs #LongCovid #survivingwinter #ouchthatstasty #recipes #foodietips