Today's #LunchtimeReading : classic chills with The Woman in Black, by Susan Hill, pick for this month's #Edinburgh SF Book Group reading.
#books #livres #AmReading #horror #SusanHill #TheWomanInBlack #GhostStory
#ghoststory #thewomaninblack #susanhill #horror #amreading #livres #books #edinburgh #lunchtimereading
Incidentally if any fans of original 1989 TV Woman in Black version that terrified a generation want to get a Blu ray copy buy it now while you still can. It was issued by Network who have just gone into liquidation. Copies are still available via Amazon and elsewhere but once they sell out that's it all gone. This was a stellar horror TV version, and the Blu Ray is fab. It's also available on DVD which will also go out of stock once sold. #TV #80sTV #Horror #SusanHill #WomanInBlack #DVD #BluRay
#bluray #dvd #womaninblack #susanhill #horror #80sTV #tv
It contains perhaps the greatest scare in British TV horror history (followed immediately by a well-timed ad break) and one of the grimmest endings. #OnThisDay
in 1989, ITV premiered #HerbertWise's bone-chilling #TheWomaninBlack, superbly adapted by #NigelKneale from #SusanHill's M.R. James-inspired 1983 book and with Adrian Pasdar great as the haunted, doomed (and renamed) Arthur Kidd.
#OTD #TV #Television #HorrorTV #Ghost #GhostStories #ChristmasHorror #Hauntings #GothicHorror #Gothic
#OnThisDay #herbertwise #thewomaninblack #nigelkneale #susanhill #otd #tv #television #horrortv #ghost #ghoststories #christmashorror #hauntings #gothichorror #gothic
"He was now wealthy and he was inclined to believe that the book might also make him famous."
middle sentence of "The Beacon" by #SusanHill on #isbnmaschine
#NeilGaiman #TerryPratchett #SusanHill #SuzanneCollins #PhilipPullman #SirArthurConanDoyle #CharlesDickens #ChristopherMoore #RansomRiggs #ElizabethGilbert
#neilgaiman #terrypratchett #susanhill #suzannecollins #philippullman #sirarthurconandoyle #charlesdickens #christophermoore #ransomriggs #elizabethgilbert