Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: The Royal Family Is Just Folding Prince Andrew Back in Like We Wouldn't Notice #Jezebel #princeandrewdukeofyork #knightsofthegarter #britishprinces #jeffreyepstein #houseofwindsor #katemiddleton #humaninterest #andrewlownie #susanhussey #elizabeth #randyandy #balmoral #williams #william #charles #meghan #wills
#jezebel #princeandrewdukeofyork #knightsofthegarter #britishprinces #jeffreyepstein #houseofwindsor #katemiddleton #humaninterest #andrewlownie #susanhussey #elizabeth #randyandy #balmoral #williams #William #charles #meghan #wills
#Spare. I’m much more animated about #hereditary #peerage (the upper house #Cruddas, #Mone) than #monarchy (in the UK). Many will find that position constitutionally absurd (that’s for another day). Personally I think #Harry has given the monarchy every opportunity, every reason to examine and modify itself. It has wilfully declined (#SusanHussey). Harry was Army like myself and his mum #LadyDiana was my Col-in-Chief. (Me circled. 1/8/1987, Tidworth.) So I admit bias. A great day btw. #Minden
#minden #ladydiana #susanhussey #harry #monarchy #mone #cruddas #peerage #hereditary #spare
Lady Hussey's Internet Trolls Come for Ngozi Fulani | #ethnicgroupsinnigeria #ethnicgroupsinafrica #humaninterest #socialissues #ngozifulani #susanhussey #fulapeople #continents #elizabeth #praisers #africa
#ethnicgroupsinnigeria #ethnicgroupsinafrica #humaninterest #socialissues #ngozifulani #susanhussey #fulapeople #continents #elizabeth #praisers #Africa
When Christine Hamilton shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
At least she manages to describe herself accurately in her closing hashtag.
Looking at this charming photo, one is bound to assume that #NgoziFulani is proud of the heritage which entitles her to wear this chosen outfit to Buckingham Palace. Why make such an obvious statement if you don’t want to invite curiosity from a well-wisher? #SusanHussey #Racism
#ngozifulani #susanhussey #racism
Seems like a good time to repost the funny & gloriously pointed #WhereAreYouFrom game by #bbc3… #SusanHussey
#susanhussey #bbc3 #whereareyoufrom
'Where are you really from?': Ngozi Fulani says Buckingham Palace honorary aide questioned her heritage
#racisminbritain #blackbritishlivesmatter #susanhussey
What’s amusing me today is thinking about how the hole racists are digging for themselves is now so deep they’re going to end up burying both the tory party and the monarchy in it with them. They've lost the demographic battle and the more they bleat the worse it gets. They’re like a football team that’s 3-0 down with time running out that's lost all discipline and getting its players sent off.
#ngozifulani #susanhussey #racism
I was offered a rare glimpse of Buckingham Palace gardens recently, as Prince William and his pretty wife drove past.
"Sorry darling, the flowerbeds are not at their best in late autumn."
#racism #SusanHussey #BuckinghamPalace
Original artwork by @ColdWarSteve
#racism #susanhussey #buckinghampalace
The great royal racism debate continues to rage throughout the British media. I just hope the new King can cope as head of the Church of England. Does he realise the Anglican church is full of women priests who are far more outspoken than Lady Susan Hussey? Hahaha! What a learning curve, Charles! 🤣 🤣 🤣
Yes, I'll have an after lunch brandy, thank you waiter.
#susanhussey #racism #buckinghampalace
Touring the streets of Boston in a sedan chair on his trip to the USA, Prince William tells press reporters he is appalled by accusations of institutional racism in Buckingham Palace.
#susanhussey #racism #buckinghampalace Black British charity boss #ngozifulani, who was repeatedly asked where she was ‘really’ from by royal aide #Lady #SusanHussey, has described the encounter as ‘#abuse’. Professor #NicolaRollock, author
of #TheRacialCode, joins #bbc #womanshour @emmabarnett [#Twitter] to explain why the question isn’t OK
On #bbcradio4 and then at #BBCSounds
#ngozifulani #lady #susanhussey #abuse #NicolaRollock #TheRacialCode #bbc #womanshour #twitter #bbcradio4 #BBCSounds
Working the same job for 60 years doesn't mean you can make racist remarks and not get sacked. Spin it how you like, #Torygraph. #susanhussey #racism #buckinghampalace #news #worldnews #uknews #SusanHussey #unacceptable
#racism #buckinghampalace #news #worldnews #uknews #susanhussey #unacceptable