Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Romance Author’s Husband Says Faking Her Suicide Was ‘100 Percent’ His Idea #Jezebel #governmentofnewzealand #entertainment2cculture #saimariejohnson #humaninterest #samanthaacole #sarahwendell #susanmeachen #politicians #troymeachen #tedmeachen #facebook
#jezebel #governmentofnewzealand #entertainment2cculture #saimariejohnson #humaninterest #samanthaacole #sarahwendell #susanmeachen #politicians #troymeachen #tedmeachen #facebook
When romance novelists turn to the dark side.
I wrote a thing, as they say! Shortish piece on The Conversation about Susan Meachen's return from the dead, with some narratology and a bit of print-vs-digital culture thrown in:
#books #bookstodon #susanmeachen
#IndieAuthorNews #LatestNews #AInarration #Apple #FilippoBernardini #OverDrive #SusanMeachen
Self-publishing News: Overdrive Figures for 2022 Demonstrate Digital Popularity
Record Overdrive lending figures confirm non-fiction audiobook popularity. Apple launches AI narrated audiobook collection.
The post Self-publishing News: Overd...
#indieauthornews #latestnews #ainarration #apple #filippobernardini #overdrive #susanmeachen
Self-publishing News: Overdrive Figures for 2022 Demonstrate Digital Popularity #FilippoBernardini #SusanMeachen #AInarration #LatestNews #OverDrive #Apple
#filippobernardini #susanmeachen #AInarration #latestnews #overdrive #apple
dear #writingcommunity : this is not cool. further, taking money from people like this is not cool. don't #SusanMeachen yourself.
i hope she doesn't get a book deal or more for this. it's beyond the pale.
#writingcommunity #susanmeachen
Romance Author Emerges Years After Apparent Suicide; It Doesn't Go Well
Art: Jean-Honoré Fragonard, "The Bolt," 1777-1778
#susanmeachen #romancenovels #genrefiction
Okay, this got even more weird just now.
Thread by Cate Eland (@RomancingTheNope on twitter) is here:
In which, apparently, #SusanMeachen 'tells her side', making the cruelty and fraud of faking her own death, and by suicide no less, a very elaborate "you made me do it, I was, and still am, an innocent and blameless victim" presentation of white woman tears.
(note: I have no idea who is behind Upstream Reviews, so read and believe at your own risk)
ETA: apparently this is a hoax
A @Charlotte_Stein twitter thread on the same vein:
#susanmeachen #romancelandia #genreromance
Accused? It's a fact.
Romance novelist is accused of FAKING her own suicide: Fans believed Susan Meachen was dead after 'daughter' posted that she had taken her own life in 2020 - but new post says family made death up
via #SusanMeachen
And now on Jezebel, for everyone to cringe at genre romance (readers and authors) some more
Via twitter: indie author Susan Meachen faked her own death by suicide.
Beyond the cruelty of choosing that form of death, someone pretending to be her daughter crowdfunded for funeral costs of someone very much alive.
Jamais vu ça de ma vie. Autrice américaine Susan Meacha
en, annoncée morte par sa propre main il y a 2 and, a recommencé à publier sur Facebook pour annoncer qu'elle n'était pas vraiment morte. :blobcat_dizzy:
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