Marjan · @wonderingchimp
15 followers · 107 posts · Server

Hi everyone,

I've published another article on the topic of the green regions in the cloud, this time about !

Have a look at the below link and let me know what you think. I've also done the same for and couple of weeks ago.

#gcp #azure #aws #sustainability #sustainableIT #GreenSoftware #GreenOps #energyefficiency

Last updated 1 year ago

manuel · @bigkid
28 followers · 53 posts · Server
Symfony Station :symfony: · @symfonystation
550 followers · 2827 posts · Server

Here's a free video of a SymfonyCon presentation from last November. Climate change and IT, scaling sustainably.

#sustainability #sustainableIT #climatechange

Last updated 1 year ago

Christian Pietsch 🍑 · @chpietsch
3111 followers · 9018 posts · Server

I will spend the first September weekend (+ Monday) in Brussels to attend the barcamp. Let me tell you why I take a day off work for .

It will be my second on location. At , I attended a session on , co-hosted a workshop on in general and in particular. Learnt about , and anti- technology. @echo_pbreyer informed us about regulation. The schedule is still online:

I met activists, NGO people & politicians. They all listened to each other and bonded.

They all fight for a common cause called . I think of it as a new wave of the movement that fights for in the interest of people.

Join us in Brussels! This is an inclusive event. If you live in the EU or UK and visit the EU parliament on Monday, you get your travel cost reimbursed (up to 0,09 €/km car distance), and you get 100€ pocket money if you register today.

#Digitization #civilrights #privacy #eprivacy #censorship #selfhosting #smartcities #mastodon #fediverse #sustainableIT #fnf2019 #fnf #fnf2022 #freedomnotfear

Last updated 2 years ago