organictraveller · @organictraveller
130 followers · 741 posts · Server
Marina Kraus · @marina
285 followers · 745 posts · Server

I love to learn, especially when I can choose the topic on my own and dive deeper into things that interest me most.

For 3 month, next to my work, I took a deep dive into sustainable tourism, did an online certificate at edX where I worked on a concept for sustainable workation. It was fun and challenging at the same time and cleared many thoughts which I had in my mind for longer.

#lifelonglearning #edx #mooc #sustainableTourism #Workation #coliving #futureoftourism

Last updated 2 years ago

Michael Shank · @shank
89 followers · 130 posts · Server

Great to see demand. Now for supply to catch up. "People said the made them want to more responsibly in the future. Now new data indicates they’re actually doing it. According to a report published in January by the World Travel & Tourism Council and Group:
➡ Nearly 60% of travelers have chosen more sustainable travel options in the last couple of years.
➡ Nearly 70% are actively seeking sustainable travel options. by Monica Pitrelli

#pandemic #travel #SustainableTravel #sustainableTourism

Last updated 2 years ago

Moksha Stories · @mokshastories
0 followers · 2 posts · Server

We believe in the incredible vibrancy of our culture, in the limitless creativity of our communities ,in the goodness that is inherent to our ways.

#mokshastories #community #CommunityTourism #sustainabiity #sustainableTourism #kerala #India

Last updated 2 years ago

Stella Arnaldo · @StellaArnaldo
38 followers · 90 posts · Server
Rita Singer · @_bydbach_
55 followers · 46 posts · Server

I'm a PostDoctoral researcher at working currently for the project. For this project I have just produced a series of short documentary films around of the ( as a new way of supporting in ferry port communities.

Otherwise, I'm working on mostly from the long , so there is lots of overspill into and , and of this small nation. Other research interests include , particularly illustrated accounts and the history of the . I've also done some work and community outreach during the recent around German submarine warfare and its effects on Welsh communities.

I share longer on my blog:

Toots will be mostly in , but occasionally also in and .

#cymraeg #Deutsch #English #workinprogress #ww1 #CommemorationPeriod #publichistory #VisitorsBook #travelwriting #history #culturalheritage #EdwardianLit #romanticlit #c19 #WelshWritingInEnglish #sustainableTourism #irishsea #CoastalHeritage #PortsPastAndPresent #AberystwythUniversity #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago

organictraveller · @organictraveller
77 followers · 601 posts · Server

During I realised I need a 2nd account for all the stuff I care about apart from food, , and : So here comes @trish for the part of me.

The account will continue with , , notes on and , in short: with the .

I'll unfollow some of you from this account and move you over to @trish, to keep things tidier.

#althier #goodlife #food #planetfriendly #ActiveMobility #restaurantreviews #travelnotes #organictraveller #neuhier #activist #sustainableTourism #bicycles #trains #organic #bitsundbaeume22

Last updated 2 years ago