RT @iCASTinfo
đź—“ On 4 April, we will be attending the @KTNUK Reimagining Materials and Manufacturing Event.
Come along - let's have a chat.
đź”— More info & registration https://iuk.ktn-uk.org/events/reimagine-materials-and-manufacturing-event/
đź“ŤQueen Elizabeth II Centre, London
#manufacturing #sustainablematerials #events #netzero
Kombucha electronics? Sure, why not? - Enlarge / Brewing kombucha tea. Note the trademark gel-like layer of SC... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1919316 #sustainablematerials #wearableelectronics #materialsscience #biomaterials #electronics #kombucha #science #physics
#physics #science #kombucha #electronics #biomaterials #materialsscience #wearableelectronics #sustainablematerials
Ars Technica: Kombucha electronics? Sure, why not? https://arstechnica.com/?p=1919316 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #sustainablematerials #wearableelectronics #materialsscience #biomaterials #electronics #kombucha #Science #Physics #science
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #sustainablematerials #wearableelectronics #MaterialsScience #biomaterials #electronics #kombucha #science #physics
Design Milk : These Sustainable Houses + Feeders Are for the Birds https://design-milk.com/these-sustainable-houses-feeders-are-for-the-birds/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=these-sustainable-houses-feeders-are-for-the-birds #sustainablematerials #StudioIlseBouwens #HomeFurnishings #homefurnishings #IlseBouwens #sustainable #birdfeeder #birdhouse #animals #bamboo #GetOut #Heeej! #birds #Main #Bird
#sustainablematerials #studioilsebouwens #homefurnishings #ilsebouwens #sustainable #birdfeeder #birdhouse #animals #bamboo #getout #heeej #birds #main #bird
Even more evidence that if we want a sustainable future we need to look to the past. There's a new theory on why ancient Roman concrete—the roof of the Pantheon, for example—has weathered MILLENIA while the concrete steps I paid a mason to make just 7 years ago are already crumbling.
#Sustainability #SustainableMaterials
Via: @kbsez
#sustainablematerials #sustainability
Design Milk : This Natural Material Is Made From the Forest Without Cutting It Down https://design-milk.com/this-natural-material-is-made-from-the-forest-without-cutting-it-down/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=this-natural-material-is-made-from-the-forest-without-cutting-it-down #sustainablematerials #HomeFurnishings #StudioYumakano #ForestBank #furniture #upcycling #YumaKano #upcycle #Main
#sustainablematerials #homefurnishings #studioyumakano #forestbank #furniture #upcycling #yumakano #upcycle #main