Then, we knew things would get less pleasant: the only road to #Glencoe is super busy A82 that all motorists going to #FortWilliam take...
This section is part of national #cycling network #sustrans though. Can you find where cyclists are supposed to be on this picture?
#glencoe #FortWilliam #cycling #sustrans
Well, #Hampshire County Council still think cyclists should not be using the #NationalCycleNetwork Route 23 to get to #JaysClose/#Viables Industrial Estate in #Basingstoke - there's still no dropped kerb since they built the new section of pavement. Is this negligence, ignorance, or deliberate due to a dislike of #cyclists? I wonder why #SusTrans don't audit the #NCN?
#HampshireCountyCouncil #ncn23 #cycling #bike #bikes #cycle #wheel #activetravel
#activetravel #wheel #cycle #bikes #Bike #Cycling #nationalcyclenetwork #NCN #sustrans #ncn23 #hampshirecountycouncil #cyclists #basingstoke #jaysclose #hampshire
National Cycle Network route 72 is also called Hadrian’s Cycleway. It used to end at Ravenglass (a former Roman port). NCN 72 is also the only way for cyclists to pass the massive Sellafield site without using the fast & narrow A595. But #Sustrans have decided the section of NCN72 between Sellafield station and Seascale is too degraded to use - and so now advise cyclists to use the train instead! Why won’t they fix it? #BritishCycling #Cycling #WeAreCycling
#wearecycling #Cycling #BritishCycling #sustrans
Sustrans and Cornwall Council revive active travel challenge
#Cornwall #CornwallCouncil #Sustrans #ActiveTravelChallenge #ActiveTravel #TransportForCornwall #Cycling #Bicycle #CycleHire
#cornwallcouncil #sustrans #activetravelchallenge #activetravel #transportforcornwall #cycling #bicycle #cyclehire #cornwall
Good morning everyone 🙂
Here's another photo of one of the 20 iron sentinels of the Combe Down Tunnel just south of #Bath.
Here, I was able to catch the ghostly outline of the refuge alcove too, illuminated by the pulsing glow of the sentinel as it bops along to the music.
The longer exposure time has also caught a hint of what the inner disk of the sentinel looks like too.
#bath #fujifilm #XH2 #photography #TwoTunnels #art #sustrans
Hampshire County Council don't think anyone rides bicycles on this section of the National Cycle Network route 23 so installed a raised kerb, even though it is signed as the main route to the town centre. They say that the cycle barriers they installed further up the shared use path make cycling impossible on the shared use path.
If only Sustrans bothered to maintain standards on the NCN, and reviewed the routes regularly.
#cycling #ncn #ncn23 #Hampshire #Hants #SusTrans #Basingstoke
#basingstoke #sustrans #hants #hampshire #ncn23 #NCN #Cycling
Abysmal weather that left my shoes waterlogged today, but I did enjoy being part of a ride-about in #Nuneaton to look at the National Cycle Network, the various problems, and to show how relatively small changes and improvements could make #cycling that much easier/accessible!
#NationalCycleNetwork #ncn524 #ncn521 #ncn52 #sustrans #cycling #nuneaton
Got in a decent ride today, putting my new bike lights to work in the #sustrans #twoTunnels route to Bath. The #kennetAndAvonCanal was mostly frozen apart from here by the locks. Photo enhanced with #Snapseed
#sustrans #twotunnels #kennetandavoncanal #snapseed
It's that time again! Last year, two schools in Nuneaton took part in the Sustrans Big Walk And Wheel - Whitestone Infant School and Chetwynd Junior School. Will they do so again, and who will join them?
#Sustrans #BigWalkAndWheel #Nuneaton #WhitestoneInfs #ChetwyndJunior #Cycling #Walking #ActiveTravel #SchoolRun
#schoolrun #activetravel #walking #cycling #chetwyndjunior #whitestoneinfs #nuneaton #bigwalkandwheel #sustrans
If you take your bike on the train or would like to and you're in the UK, please take a moment to complete this survey for the Cycle Rail Working Group and Sustrans
@Clarion_Cyclist This is the 'Fossil Tree' design by Jon Mills of Brighton. Based on the shape of a fossilised spore-bearing tree, with other fossils embedded. One of 4 designs used for the Millennium Milesposts #Sustrans. The circular disc with relief detail contains a coded clue for a treasure hunt! Here's one from the Chester Millennium Greenway. #Cycling #FingerPostFriday
#sustrans #cycling #FingerpostFriday
@atthenius I used to work for #sustrans (sort of UK equivalent of #RailsToTrails) & managed construction of the #CuckooTrail so that's good to hear!
#cuckootrail #railstotrails #sustrans
It felt quite the radical act to take a long lunch for a 20km bike ride together when we both had so much work to do and so few work hours left in the week, but what a tonic! No kids, no dog, just us! Weekly date, perhaps?#SelfCare #ParentingWins #WinterSunshine #LoveCycling #BikeRide #Sustrans #NCN544
#ncn544 #sustrans #bikeride #LoveCycling #wintersunshine #parentingwins #selfcare
The profile pic... That's me in my outfit as a #Sustrans Volunteer Ranger, based on the #CuckooTrail #NCN21. Notmally I don't wear space-lemon "hiviz doth offend mine eye" nor a plastic hat except when on volunteer duty.
#sustrans have this great video about the "M-Check", an easy, pre-ride check to make sure your bike is ready to go! :)
#TransportForAll are partnering with #Sustrans to help them identify barriers on the #NationalCycleNetwork. They are asking for feedback from disabled cyclists, to find out about experiences of #cycling on the #NCN.
If you're interested, this is the link. Source link will follow in the next message.
#disabilitycycling #ncn #cycling #NationalCycleNetwork #sustrans #transportforall