New Ebook edition of Khuddakapāṭha: Basic Passages, translated by .


It's available in both -English and English only, as EPUB and Kindle.

The is the shortest collection in the with only nine suttas. It is the first book of the . Although short in number, they are quite valuable and handy to have in a single place.


#bhikkhusujato #pali #khuddakapatha #suttapitaka #khuddakanikaya #buddhism #buddha #suttas #dhamma #theravada #PaliCanon

Last updated 2 years ago

Day 4 of books from the .

☸Anguttara Nikaya☸

Numerical Discourses: ~9557 suttas. This is the collection that really shines with all the lists of things that aren't included in the topic chapters of the Samyutta Nikaya. Full of practical advice and memorable similes, this book is organized by the number of points in the sutta. So a sutta about 4 kinds of people will be in chapter four.


#suttapitaka #buddhism #buddha #suttas #dhamma #theravada #PaliCanon

Last updated 2 years ago

Day 3 of books from the .

☸Samyutta Nikaya☸

Connected Discourses: ~7762 suttas. These suttas are organized into 56 chapters, each with their own topic. With chapters on dependent origination, the five aggregates, the six sense bases, the four noble truths, stream entry, and the noble eightfold path this book will give you a firm grounding in the Dhamma.


#suttapitaka #buddhism #buddha #suttas #dhamma #theravada #PaliCanon

Last updated 2 years ago

Day 2 of books from the .

☸Majjhima Nikaya☸

Middle Length Discourses: 152 suttas. This collection covers a broad range of subjects from ethics to meditation to wisdom. There are suttas that share stories as well as ones that do a deep analysis of core topics. This collection also includes many of the most famous similes, including the simile of the raft and the simile of the saw.


#suttapitaka #buddhism #buddha #suttas #dhamma #theravada #PaliCanon

Last updated 2 years ago

Today begins our review of books from the .

☸Digha Nikaya☸

Contains: 32 suttas. Included are some of the most famous teachings, including the Four Foundations of () and the story of the last year of the Buddha's life. There is also an account of how the world comes to be and passes away. The collection begins with a deep analysis of wrong views that exist in the world.


#suttapitaka #mindfulness #satipatthana #buddhism #buddha #suttas #dhamma #theravada #PaliCanon

Last updated 2 years ago

This page gives a quick overview of the most important books of the in terms of setting up a daily sutta reading practice. The best and most easily accessible publications of each book are also given.

These are the traditional ancient collections that were established when the suttas were well protected by the tradition of memorization.

Do you have a favorite collection? Curious about which collection would be good to read next? Let's talk in the comments.


Last updated 2 years ago