🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
Dhp 222 From… Kodha Vagga: Anger
“The one who keeps anger in check as it arises……”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
SN 25.1 Cakkhusutta: The Eye
“Someone who has faith and confidence in these principles is called a follower by faith.…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
AN 6.93 Dutiyaabhabbaṭṭhānasutta: Things That Can’t Be Done (2nd)
“A person accomplished in view can’t take conditions to be permanent, happiness, or self.…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
SN 55.22 Mahānāma Sutta: To Mahānāma (2)
“Suppose a tree were leaning toward the east, slanting toward the east, inclining toward the east.…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
SN 12.68 Kosambisutta: Kosambī
“Suppose, friend, there was a well along a desert road, but it had neither a rope nor a bucket.…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
MN 68 Naḷakapānasutta: At Naḷakapāna
“What advantage does the Realized One see in declaring the rebirth of his disciples who have passed away…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
AN 6.92 Paṭhamaabhabbaṭṭhānasutta: Things That Can’t Be Done (1st)
“A person accomplished in view can’t live disrespectful and irreverent toward the Teacher…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
SN 48.12 Paṭhamasaṁkhittasutta: In Brief (1st)
“If they are weaker still, they’re a stream-enterer.…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
SN 55.43 Tatiya Asaṇkheyya Sutta: Incalculable 3
“Monks, there are four kinds of streams of merit and streams of wholesomeness that generate happiness.…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
Vv 2.7 Uposathā Sutta: Uposatha’s Mansion
“Since I directed my mind to this inferior sensual realm, I was born in this heaven.…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
SN 55.40 Nandiya Sutta: To Nandiya
“This is how a disciple of the noble ones dwells in heedlessness.…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
DN 16 From… Mahāparinibbānasutta: The Great Discourse on the Buddha’s Extinguishment—The Mirror of the Dhamma
“I will teach you the explanation of the Dhamma called ‘the mirror of the teaching’…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
SN 45.35 Paṭhamasāmaññasutta: The Ascetic Life (1st)
“Mendicants, I will teach you the ascetic life and the fruits of the ascetic life. …”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
SN 55.55 Sotāpattiphalasutta: The Fruit of Stream-Entry
“When four things are developed and cultivated they lead to the realization of the fruit of stream-entry.…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
SN 55.44 Aḍḍha Sutta: Rich
“A noble disciple who has four things is said to be rich, prosperous, and wealthy.…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
SN 55.5 Dutiyasāriputtasutta: With Sāriputta (2nd)
“Sāriputta, they speak of ‘the stream’. What is the stream?…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
SN 55.38 Vassasutta: Rain
“Suppose it rains heavily on a mountain top…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
AN 6.119–139 Tapussasutta… About Tapussa, Etc.
“Having six qualities the householder Tapussa is certain about the Realized One, sees the deathless, and lives having realized the deathless.…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
SN 55.17 Dutiya Mittāmacca Sutta: Friends 2
“Monks, you have friends, relatives and family members who you have sympathy for.…”
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🌱 Today’s #DailySutta:
AN 6.94 Tatiyaabhabbaṭṭhānasutta: Things That Can’t Be Done (3rd)
“Mendicants, these six things can’t be done.…”
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