#ItTakesAThief s2e2 (1968) - 9/10
1️⃣ This show is a blast. It’s like a 51-minute party every time! Remarkable, when you consider that two (minor) characters get murdered on screen.
2️⃣ The guest stars - #SuzannePleshette, #HarveyLembeck, #BruceGordon, #GinoConforti - get strong roles and all appear to be having fun with the material.
#ittakesathief #suzannepleshette #harveylembeck #brucegordon #ginoconforti
54 years ago:
If It's Tuesday, This Must Be Belgium (US)
A group of travelers from the United States race through seven European countries in 18 days.
#IfItsTuesdayThisMustBeBelgium #MelStuart #IanMcShane #SuzannePleshette #VittorioDeSica #Movies
#ifitstuesdaythismustbebelgium #melstuart #ianmcshane #suzannepleshette #VittorioDeSica #movies
For your Sunday viewing pleasure:
I first saw this film as a kid and it scared the shit out of me. I have scenes from it burned indelibly in my brain.
It is genuinely creepy and the score supports that perfectly. And the special FX are FREAKY!
Also great to see a young George Hamilton being outrageously handsome. :ablobmeltsoblove:
#ThePower1968 #GeorgeHamilton #SuzannePleshette #PsionicPowers #Telekinesis #Telepathy #TheMule
#themule #telepathy #telekinesis #psionicpowers #suzannepleshette #georgehamilton #thepower1968
Tonight in 1978 — THE BOB NEWHART SHOW ended its 6-season run on CBS.
"The finest cast in television," Newhart said of co-stars #SuzannePleshette, #BillDaily, #MarciaWallace and #PeterBonerz.
#TheBobNewhartShow #BobNewhart #OnThisDay #ClassicTV #1970sTV #1970s Nostalgia
#1970s #1970stv #classictv #onthisday #bobnewhart #thebobnewhartshow #peterbonerz #marciawallace #billdaily #suzannepleshette
"There's no place to go!" Alfred Hitchcock's stark adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's eerie 1952 Cornish horror story "The Birds" turned 60 years old this week.
Check out Steven West's celebration of its many pleasures in this new article, now live on the site:
#AlfredHitchcock #Hitchcock #DaphneDuMaurier #TippiHedren #RodTaylor #JessicaTandy #SuzannePleshette #VeronicaCartwright #HorrorMovies #ClassicHorror #EcoHorror #Horror #CineRequeim #Cinemastodon
#alfredhitchcock #hitchcock #daphnedumaurier #tippihedren #rodtaylor #jessicatandy #suzannepleshette #veronicacartwright #horrormovies #classichorror #ecohorror #horror #cinerequeim #cinemastodon
"There's no place to go!" Alfred Hitchcock's stark adaptation of Daphne du Maurier's eerie 1952 Cornish horror story "The Birds" turned 60 years old this week.
Check out Steven West's celebration of its many pleasures in this new article, now live on the site:
#AlfredHitchcock #Hitchcock #DaphneDuMaurier #TippiHedren #RodTaylor #JessicaTandy #SuzannePleshette #VeronicaCartwright #HorrorMovies #ClassicHorror #EcoHorror #Horror #CineRequeim #Cinemastodon
#alfredhitchcock #hitchcock #daphnedumaurier #tippihedren #rodtaylor #jessicatandy #suzannepleshette #veronicacartwright #horrormovies #classichorror #ecohorror #horror #cinerequeim #cinemastodon
51 years ago today:
S13E24: A Place to Hide
The Cartwrights are once again brought in the middle of the Civil War. This time, the wife of former Civil War Col. Cody Ransom brings her young daughter to the Ponderosa, trying to pick up the pieces of their lives. However, Ben soon learns that Col. Ransom may be trying to search for his family. H...
Airdate: 1972-03-19
#Bonanza #JodieFoster #SuzannePleshette #NBC #Television
#bonanza #jodiefoster #suzannepleshette #nbc #television
63 years ago today:
Alfred Hitchcock Presents
S5E21: Hitch Hike
A righteous and hypocritical civic leader on a road trip accepts mechanical help from a young man who then asks for a lift, soon afterwards he reveals he's recently been released from reform school.
Airdate: 1960-02-21
#AlfredHitchcockPresents #SuzannePleshette #NBC #CBS #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#alfredhitchcockpresents #suzannepleshette #nbc #cbs #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
57 years ago:
The Ugly Dachshund (US)
The Garrisons are the "proud parents" of three adorable dachshund pups - and one overgrown Great Dane named Brutus, who nevertheless thinks of himself as a dainty dachsie. His identity crisis results in an uproarious series of household crises that reduce the Garrisons' house to shambles - and viewe...
#TheUglyDachshund #DeanJones #SuzannePleshette #KellyThordsen #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#theuglydachshund #deanjones #suzannepleshette #kellythordsen #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
55 years ago:
Blackbeard's Ghost (US)
The eponymous wraith returns to Earth to aid his descendant, elderly Emily Stowecroft. The villains want to kick Emily and her friends out of their group home so that they can build a crooked casino. Good guy Steve Walker gets caught in the middle of the squabble after evoking Blackbeard's ghost.
#BlackbeardsGhost #RobertStevenson #PeterUstinov #DeanJones #SuzannePleshette #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Film
#blackbeardsghost #robertstevenson #peterustinov #deanjones #suzannepleshette #classicfilm #classicmovies #film
#MitziGaynor headlined this Emmy-winning special, singing and dancing w/ #TedKnight, #SuzannePleshette, #JerryOrbach and #Jane Withers!
It’s streaming on Prime Video and Amazon Freevee (free w/ ads).
#classicvarietyshows #1970stv #1970s #classictv #onthisday #jane #jerryorbach #suzannepleshette #tedknight #mitzigaynor
“A good daughter, a good wife, and a good friend.”
— #SuzannePleshette (1937–2008), on how she’d like to be remembered
The four-time Emmy nominee would have been 86 today.
#BornOnThisDay #ClassicTV #ClassicFilm #TheBobNewhartShow #1970s #Nostalgia
#nostalgia #1970s #thebobnewhartshow #classicfilm #classictv #bornonthisday #suzannepleshette
Today's birthdays are full of multi-talented divas, and I mean the word "diva" in the sense of honing one's skill and talent with humility. Celebrating #BOTD #JeanSimmons #CarolChanning #SuzannePleshette #TallulahBankhead
#cinemastodon #FilmMastodon #classicmovies #screwballcomedy #Musicals #classicfilms #TallulahBankhead #suzannepleshette #CarolChanning #jeansimmons #botd