@Permacultureandpolitics I’ve reread this thread and am hearing whispers of #SuzanneSimard ‘s #FindingTheMotherTree when you’re writing about your method of seed dispersal and mimicking Nature (and permaculture in general having spent time at Beacon Food Forest). Have read that book 3 times and plan to read it, again. I wish for an online bookclub for this and other fabulous books about our #PlantFamilies. #bookstodon #bookclub #readingcommunity
#suzannesimard #findingthemothertree #plantfamilies #bookstodon #bookclub #readingcommunity
@Sheril Isn’t it the mycelium in the soil that sequesters carbon into its cell walls? Carbon that comes from carbon dioxide transformed by trees during photosynthesis into sugars? And isn’t about 70% of the carbon sequestered by trees during photosynthesis shuttled to mushroom mycelium? #SuzanneSimard #FindingTheMotherTree
#suzannesimard #findingthemothertree
The Tyee: Yew Complete Me https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/05/30/Tracking-Giants-Excerpt/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #TrackingGiants:BigTrees,TinyTriumphs,andMisadventuresintheForest #105HikesInandAroundSouthwesternBritishColumbia #DavidMilarch,ArchangelAncientTreeArchive #TheManWhoPlantedTreesbook #FindingtheMotherTreebook #DavidandMaryMacaree #CapilanoRiverPark #GordonRiverValley #HollyburnMountain #BadenPowelltrail #RandyStoltmann #BigLonelyDoug #CandelabraFir #SuzanneSimard #Taxol
#BCNews #TheTyee #trackinggiants #105hikesinandaroundsouthwesternbritishcolumbia #davidmilarch #themanwhoplantedtreesbook #findingthemothertreebook #davidandmarymacaree #capilanoriverpark #gordonrivervalley #hollyburnmountain #badenpowelltrail #randystoltmann #biglonelydoug #candelabrafir #suzannesimard #taxol
The Tyee: Detangling the Debate on the ‘Wood Wide Web’ https://thetyee.ca/News/2023/05/18/Detangling-Debate-Wood-Wide-Web/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #TheHiddenLifeofTreesbook #NatureEcology&Evolution #NewPhytologistjournal #mycorrhizalnetworks #PeterWohlleben #SuzanneSimard #JustineKarst #Mothertrees #TomKimmerer #woodwideweb
#BCNews #TheTyee #thehiddenlifeoftreesbook #natureecology #newphytologistjournal #mycorrhizalnetworks #peterwohlleben #suzannesimard #justinekarst #mothertrees #tomkimmerer #woodwideweb
The Tyee: Forests Will Save Us. If We Let Them (in Culture) https://thetyee.ca/Culture/2023/05/03/Forests-Will-Save-Us-If-We-Let-Them/ #bcnews #TheTyee - via @tyee@mstdn.ca #ThePowerofTreesHowAncientForestsCanSaveUsifWeLetThem #WestPointGreyUnitedChurch #TheHiddenLifeofTrees #PeterWohlleben #SuzanneSimard #ArnoKopecky #BlackForest #Hümmel
#BCNews #TheTyee #thepoweroftreeshowancientforestscansaveusifweletthem #westpointgreyunitedchurch #thehiddenlifeoftrees #peterwohlleben #suzannesimard #arnokopecky #blackforest #Hummel
“Survival of the Kindest” 🍄🌲🍄
📚Finding the Mother Tree
✍️ Suzanne Simard
📽️ Fantastic Fungi
📹 Louie Schwartzberg
#UndergroundNetwork #MycelialNetwork #MushroomRenaissance #SuzanneSimard #LouieSchwartzberg #PaulStamets #FindingTheMotherTree #FantasticFungi #IncreaseCollaboration #ParadigmShift #Neurogenesis #Synoaptogenisis #Community
#undergroundnetwork #mycelialnetwork #mushroomrenaissance #suzannesimard #louieschwartzberg #paulstamets #findingthemothertree #FantasticFungi #increasecollaboration #paradigmshift #neurogenesis #synoaptogenisis #community
@downriver “Experts say large trees can store significant volumes of carbon dioxide and keep the gas from warming the planet as it enters the atmosphere.” My understanding is that it’s the mycelial network that store carbon, not carbon dioxide, in their cell walls. According to #SuzanneSimard, 70% of the carbon extracted during photosynthesis is channeled by the trees to the fungi. #FindingTheMotherTree #FantasticFungi
#suzannesimard #FantasticFungi #findingthemothertree
Cyfweliad â’r Athro #SuzanneSimard (awdur “Mother Tree”, a’r syniad Wood Wide Web) ar Inside Science bwynoson https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001kh6v?partner=uk.co.bbc&origin=share-mobile
“The forest is a socialist community and trees work in harmony to share the sunlight.”
—Coach Beard from Ted Lasso summarizing:
#SuzanneSimard #FindingTheMotherTree #UniversityOfBritishColumbia #ForestrySchool #UBC
Really looking forward to seeing what books they’re reading on Season 3.
#TedLasso Quote from Season 2/Episode 11 “Train to Royston”
#ExcellentQuotes #Quotes #Science #Forestry #Bookstodon #Mosstodon #Mossquatch
#suzannesimard #findingthemothertree #universityofbritishcolumbia #forestryschool #ubc #tedlasso #excellentquotes #quotes #science #forestry #bookstodon #Mosstodon #mossquatch
“The forest is a socialist community and trees work in harmony to share the sunlight.”
—Coach Beard from Ted Lasso summarizing:
#SuzanneSimard #FindingTheMotherTree #UniversityOfBritishColumbia #ForestrySchool #UBC
Really looking forward to Season 3 and more auditory #EasterEggs
#TedLasso Quote from Season 2/Episode 11 “Train to Royston”
#ExcellentQuotes #Quotes #Science #Forestry #Mosstodon #Mossquatch
#suzannesimard #findingthemothertree #universityofbritishcolumbia #forestryschool #ubc #eastereggs #tedlasso #excellentquotes #quotes #science #forestry #Mosstodon #mossquatch
“The forest is a socialist community and trees work in harmony to share the sunlight.”
—Coach Beard from Ted Lasso summarizing:
#SuzanneSimard #FindingTheMotherTree #UniversityOfBritishColumbia #ForestrySchool #UBC
Really looking forward to Season 3 and more auditory #EasterEggs
#TedLasso Quote from Season 2/Episode 11 “Train to Royston”
#suzannesimard #findingthemothertree #universityofbritishcolumbia #forestryschool #ubc #eastereggs #tedlasso #excellentquotes #quotes #science #forestry
“The forest is a socialist community and trees work in harmony to share the sunlight.”
—Coach Beard from Ted Lasso summarizing:
#SuzanneSimard #FindingTheMotherTree #UniversityOfBritishColumbia #ForestrySchool #UBC
Really looking forward to Season 3 and more auditory #EasterEggs
#TedLasso Quote from Season 2/Episode 11 “Train to Royston”
#suzannesimard #findingthemothertree #universityofbritishcolumbia #forestryschool #ubc #eastereggs #tedlasso #excellentquotes #quotes
“The forest is a socialist community and trees work in harmony to share the sunlight.”
—Coach Beard from Ted Lasso summarizing:
#SuzanneSimard #FindingTheMotherTree UniversityOfBritishColumbia #ForestrySchool #UBC
Really looking forward to Season 3 and more auditory #EasterEggs
#TedLasso Quote from Season 2/Episode 11 “Train to Royston”
#suzannesimard #findingthemothertree #forestryschool #ubc #eastereggs #tedlasso #excellentquotes #quotes
Responses so far to my request for works that aren't stuck in fear, gloom and doom narratives related to #sustainability #climate #environment
Fiction and #clifi
#sustainability #climate #environment #TakeTheJump #solarpunk #permaculture #aiart #susannemoser #glennalbrecht #elinkelsey #donellameadows #alastairmcintosh #suzannesimard #robinwallkimmerer #merlinsheldrake #clifi #kimstanleyrobinson #ernestcallenbach #octaviabutler #richardpowers #charlottemcconaghy
@shilpashenvi Exactly! I love the mix of science and the personal. Would also recommend Finding the Mother Tree: Discovering the Wisdom of the Forest by #SuzanneSimard for a similar sort of feel.