In my effort to tackle my #gaming backlog, I played about four hours of #Suzerain on the #steamdeck yesterday. It's such a unique, narrative-driven game - but I don't think I'll be able to continue playing. It just feeds into my already pretty jaded, pessimistic view of politics and the current global situation. It's a great game, thoroughly crafted and well-written, just not a good fit for me (at the moment).
#Suzerain 我后悔了。想多看看不同的剧情,所以三周目竞选承诺捍卫传统+计划经济+增加军费,然后为了保持一致逐渐走上保守独裁线,结果玩得太痛苦了。固守意识形态无法和民主自由国家合作,同时为了不修宪,必须得和最高法院联手强行宣布国家进入紧急状态,也就是说不允许工人上街抗议,给警察抓人甚至不经审判就拘押的权力,还得顺应民族主义分子的意思把少数民族往死里弹压,塑造成“我们的敌人”,以及发表各种主战演讲煽动民族对外的情绪以掩盖内部矛盾。我真的很好奇拒绝改革路线可以温和地达成吗??必须每一步都这么撕心裂肺吗,这才第一章啊Σ( ̄。 ̄ノ)ノ玩半小时歇俩小时,又想看看这个垃圾总统怎么死的,又实在不想再以这个角色的身份做出任何决定了……
#Suzerain 目前在switch玩了两周目(1.1版本)并在steam上开了第三周目(2.0版本)的角色喜爱度盘点,或者说见到谁我会比较开心……简要点评一下。
7、老师:最好的外交部长555 他和他爸真的都是那种全方位无可挑剔的存在,忍不住想和老师各种亲近。
#Suzerain 花了几天打完一周目,今天火速进行了二周目,两次都是在没有经历战争、军队哗变、寡头流放、刺杀、弹劾、被踢出政党的情况下,安安稳稳地连任失败。攻略里说想达成这个结局还挺困难的,需要很微妙的平衡……第一次是不偏不倚的中间派,前期走改革路线,后期怕得罪太多保守派没选票所以教育、医疗和妇女权益的改革都只开了个头,除了修宪外什么问题也没解决,全部给反对党做嫁衣了;第二次选择了既要又要还要,医疗、教育、女权、少数民族权益齐头并进地发展,积极和寡头合作解决了经济衰退,然后政府赤字无法偿还(到-7、-8就会彻底崩盘),整个国家陷入几十年未有的大萧条,最后被认定为过激中间派,笑死。区别是第一周目好基友副总统痛苦离去,第二周目成功保住了他,也算是了却一桩心事。【话说这回结算时反对党总统上位后准备让我做他的副总统(我二周目怕了,不敢跟反对党合作,承诺要给Ricter一个部长但是从未实现,Ricter倒是很惦记我),然后两个人齐齐失去民心并滚蛋,笑死……累了,暂时不开下周目了,开的话想试试独裁路线,或者和女王打一回仗确保连任😓
#Suzerain 看攻略打开新世界的大门了。原来我副总统基友果断辞职是因为本总统一直在尝试承担责任还替他在镜头前认错,换言之,做得太好了徒增他的愧疚( ;´Д`)他卸任后去戒酒并且安度余生了,其实也不错。除了我玩的这个还有几种走向:1、在发布会把责任全部推给Petr,他会直接自杀;2、用秘密警察杀掉女间谍,保留他的职位;3、指控并调查Petr,导致他被逮捕入狱。还有一种是把基友和女间谍一起杀了,一般人哪怕玩独裁路线也不会这么选。不过刷Reddit看到有网友大喊,Petr这种混蛋就值得“一大桶硫酸”。其他网友评论:Lucian你上大号说话。笑死了啊啊啊……
When you're trying a social democrat run and won the reelection despite not stopping the economy recession and gang violence, but compensating it with womens, workers and minority rights, army modernisation, and record win in Assembly with constitution changes #Gaming #Suzerain #Politics
(first run btw)
Suzerain's 2.0 update is a "massive overhaul" to the already-excellent political RPG - #Birdview/Isometric #FellowTraveller #ActionAdventure #SinglePlayer #TorporGames #Thirdperson #Simulation #Strategy #Suzerain #Indie #Text #RPG #Mac #PC
#pc #mac #rpg #text #indie #suzerain #strategy #simulation #thirdperson #TorporGames #singleplayer #ActionAdventure #fellowtraveller #birdview
Narrative RPG Suzerain gets a royalty-focused expansion and 2.0 update later this year - #Birdview/Isometric #ActionAdventure #FellowTraveller #SinglePlayer #Indiescovery #Thirdperson #TorporGames #Simulation #Suzerain #Strategy #Indie #Text #Mac #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #mac #text #indie #strategy #suzerain #simulation #TorporGames #thirdperson #Indiescovery #singleplayer #fellowtraveller #ActionAdventure #birdview
LudoNarraCon returns to Steam with over 35 demos and 140 discounts - #Birdview/Isometric #ActionAdventure #FellowTraveller #CitizenSleeper #JumpOvertheAge #SinglePlayer #LudoNarraCon #Thirdperson #Simulation #Suzerain #Strategy #Indie #Text #Mac #RPG #PC
#pc #rpg #mac #text #indie #strategy #suzerain #simulation #thirdperson #LudoNarraCon #singleplayer #JumpOverTheAge #CitizenSleeper #fellowtraveller #ActionAdventure #birdview
A little #GameReview for #Suzerain on Android.
Have been hooked on this story game the last few days. A must for the #histodon crew and after the compelling it was a no brainer that this was worth punting £4 on. It's quite beautiful.
You play a citizen of a country in the kid 20th Century, not unlike many Eastern European nations caught between superpowers and ancient regional emnities. Thrown into the position of President, your role is to negotiate with the various factions and lead the country.
What's astonishing is the level of detail the game has, the characters, events and cultures that draw on #geopolitics and #history from across the globe.
I don't know how scripted it is, but I was gutted when my first playthrough ended in tragedy, despite great successes.
Will try again, perhaps a little less trusting and idealistic before.
#histodon #geopolitics #history #gamereview #suzerain
The latest hot sales on #Switch: #OlliOlliWorld, #CitizenSleeper, #BeaconPines, #FRAMEDCollection, #TheOuterWorlds, #FreedomFinger, #DeviousDungeon2, #Suzerain, #SydneyHunterandtheCurseoftheMayan, #Dojoran, #YoutubersLife2...
#switch #olliolliworld #citizensleeper #beaconpines #framedcollection #theouterworlds #freedomfinger #deviousdungeon2 #suzerain #sydneyhunterandthecurseofthemayan #dojoran #youtuberslife2
Finished a first run through #Suzerain. It's a fun game. On that end screen, I unfortunately didn't think to screenshot it at the time and (looks like the save is just gone now?), but I want to say I was maybe 3 or 4 blocks left of center and 1 or 2 blocks down. A late-game dialogue called me a "Radical Centrist"(?), and I think the end-screen called me a "Centrist Reformist". \
Suzerain devs announce a follow-up narrative RPG - #VisualNovel&Dating; #TheConformist #PointandClick #Indiescovery #Simulation #StoryRich #Suzerain
#suzerain #StoryRich #simulation #Indiescovery #pointandclick #theconformist #visualnovel
I put off #DiscoElysium for far too long. Finally grabbed it this Steam sale and I love it. Rich, absurdist, political, emotional, I’m only a few hours in and I love the dreary world of Revachol and my confused and hapless protagonist.
The game pairs well with, and in my head-canon might exist in, the world of another richly told political game: #Suzerain. Both are painted with such vivid detail that they feel like real places you’d be reluctant to visit.
J'ai craqué ! Je me suis pris SUZERAIN sur Steam:
jeu textuel où on incarne le président tout juste élu, d'un pays en proie à bien des difficultés
Estuve jugando al #Suzerain un rato. Me lo recomendaron como un juego moderno en la línea del #HiddenAgenda.
La verdad es que no es igual. Suzerain es más lineal. No podés (al menos donde voy por ahora) cambiar los ministros. Los asuntos los tenés que ir manejando en el orden que te marca el juego, no como en el Hidden Agenda que podías ir y hablar con cualquiera y te daba la sensación de más libertad para elegir tus prioridades.
Por otro lado, el mundo de Suzerain está bastante más detallado. La economía de Chimerica era una serie de abstracciones, Sordland tiene detalles por todos lados. Los ministros y asesores tienen más personalidad. No sé si diría que está mejor escrito, pero sí tiene más detalles. En gran parte logran eso usando gráficos modernos. No es lo mismo un juego de los ochenta manejado sólo con teclado. Suzerain me muestra mucha más información de manera mucho más legible.
Igual, si bien no lo consideraría cien por ciento un sucesor del Hidden Agenda, está claramente en la misma línea. Definitivamente mucho mejor que casi cualquier otro "simulador de gobierno" que haya probado.
#videojuegos #hiddenagenda #suzerain