I also started using #svelte with #javascript first, then #typescript
It really feels like a modern way to work with the #web. I can quickly build web applications that run smoothly, are reactive to my data and their changes.
The build process is scary tho, and i still don't understand a bit of it.
Svelte itself is a brilliant mix of HTML with a reactive and declarative interface to the DOM and i really love it.
#svelte #javascript #typescript #web #webdev #js #ts
@postowl yaay for #SvelteKit ! Using it on a hobby project and have to say #Svelte is going in a great direction.
This D3.js data visualization I’m working on started as a page on my (Next.js) blog, but I think it’ll be better long-term to have it in its own repo.
After some planning for what I’ll need, I think The Pudding’s Svelte Starter Repo is the way to go. Coming from a group whose primary focus is D3.js data Viz, this looks far better than anything I could come up with.
Anyone have any recommended resources for learning Svelte?
#d3 #svelte #sveltekit #dataviz #d3js
Things to look forward to in #Annotorious3:
▪ Headless by default. You're no longer tied to the default popup.
▪ Extend & customize more easily.
▪ Much (MUCH!) easier to use with your favorite framework.
▪ #React bindings out of the box, #Svelte on the way.
▪ <100kB
[view-transitions API](https://developer.chrome.com/docs/web-platform/view-transitions/)를 쓰기 쉽도록 추가한 onNavigate 설명 #svelte
Want to use view transitions in your #SvelteKit app?
v1.24 unlocks view transitions with a new lifecycle method. We’ve already added them to the #Svelte site - watch the blog titles slide into place! (note: it will fade instead of slide if reduced-motion is requested)
Read all about it in my latest on the Svelte blog: https://svelte.dev/blog/view-transitions
Ich bin zwar noch bis November ausgebucht, aber wie man so schön sagt: Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm, also falls jemand für Nov/Dez/Januar ein Projekt in der Pipeline hat und #PHP #Laravel #Svelte #JavaScript #Vue #Livewire Unterstützung braucht, bitte Bescheid sagen!
#php #laravel #svelte #javascript #vue #livewire #freelance #projektsuche #jobs
Watch the latest episode of #ThisWeekinSvelte with our @paoloricciuti on YouTube! 📺
Enrico and Paolo talk about Bun, module tags, how to pitch #Svelte to your company, and more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoPzvlBKXXE
Svelte for VS Codeを使ってSvelteファイルのimportを最適化する方法
#qiita #VSCode #Svelte #SvelteKit
#qiita #vscode #svelte #sveltekit
I spent the afternoon having tinkering with Svelte and SvelteKit just out of curiosity. It seems pretty nice, but I’m lazy so I’ll stick with React for now. It’s not as if I was doing a lot of frontend anyway these days 😌
Apparently still the best option for #i18n in #svelte https://phrase.com/blog/posts/a-step-by-step-guide-to-svelte-localization-with-svelte-i18n-v3/
Hey there!
I am Tjerk (pronounced as Chair + k). I teach web development and UI/UX design. Have a small indie development studio and love to use #svelte and #sveltekit.
Looking for more webdesign inspiration and pictures of home grown vegetables and cats.
PS: Recently moved over from mastodon.social.
#introduction #svelte #sveltekit
Check out the last episode of #ThisWeekinSvelte! 👀
Enrico and our own @paoloricciuti talk about Paolo’s sveltekit-search-params and discuss the latest #svelte updates: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJ5Wf3uL7dM
Hi! I'm Kevin, a creative creative Dutch freelance developer with a passion for good design and intuitive, user friendly interfaces.
By day I use #Swift, #Svelte, #SvelteKit, #TypeScript, #Django and #Python to make apps for iOS and the web, and the APIs that drive them. At night I’m looking for the best burger in the world.
I've been building websites since 2000, and iOS apps since 2010.
Huge D&D nerd, building https://www.critical-notes.com in my free time.
#swift #svelte #sveltekit #typescript #django #python
→ Qwik introduces a new approach to rendering, though maintains syntax that is near-identical to React, which lowers the learning curve for devs.
#Tauri's setup & configuration are straightforward, making it easy to integrate with existing projects regardless of UI library.
→ Do you want to learn more about Qwik VS Tauri or how other popular frameworks/UI libraries (like #React, #Svelte, #SolidJS, etc.) are compared to @TauriApps?
Check this out:
#tauri #react #svelte #solidjs
Things you forgot (or never knew) because of #React
https://joshcollinsworth.com/blog/antiquated-react#part-3-the-other-stuff-you-should-try #javascript #svelte #vue What he said! @collinsworth
#react #javascript #svelte #vue
⭐ New project out today:
The light from the #stars travels for years (and years) until it reaches your eyes. This #interactive #map of the night sky shows you for each star what happened on Earth when the light started traveling from the star to you. That way, any star has a story to tell you. You can zoom in, move around and hover all the stars to reveal the historical events they are connected to.
Built with #svelte #d3 and #sveltekit
#sveltekit #d3 #svelte #map #interactive #stars