A couple of telegram channels are reporting Wagner has entered Moscow.
Meanwhile, "The State Duma of the Russian Federation offered the "Wagnerians" to lay down their arms and surrender. They promise amnesty "for merits in the SVO"."
:telegram: Говорить Україна
#russia #rebellion #wagnerpmc #duma #svo
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#鉄道 #東海道線 #踊り子 #スーパービュー踊り子 #svo #251系 #2020年ダイヤ改正
#Peskov about "#Putin 's #truce": "If one of the #Orthodox #Christians in the "#SVO" zone was able to pray for Christmas in the church, then the truce initiated by the #RussianFederation has already achieved its goal."
It is already difficult to even comment. But if EVERYONE (both #Ukraine and the #West) sent you with your "#truce", these explanations remain.
#peskov #putin #truce #orthodox #christians #svo #russianfederation #ukraine #west
A throwback this #photofriday to Yavoriv, #Ukraine from April 2021. Taken on one of my morning walks where the timing and light were just marvelous--and I happened to have my camera.
Russian missile strikes blew the hell out of this base about a week after the #SVO kicked off, about 3 months after I came home. I saw my old residence in flames.