Vor 60 Jahren beschloss der Bundestag das Gesetz über die Bildung eines #Sachverständigenrat|es zur Begutachtung der gesamtwirtschaftlichen Entwicklung (#SVR). Im Anschluss an #Foucault kann er als einen »Wissensproduzenten« bezeichnet werden, der weder einer rein objektiven Wissenschaftlichkeit verpflichtet, noch einfach nur Ausdruck bestimmter Interessen ist. Vielmehr greift er durch die Formulierung von Geltungsansprüchen formierend in die gesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzungen ein.
#sachverstandigenrat #svr #foucault
MFA use is up, which is good. But it also means TAs need to up their game, and apparently more hands-on-keyboard is the result.
> The compromised instances are renamed and used to set up a new onmicrosoft.com subdomain. Onmicrosoft.com domains are legitimate Microsoft domains which are automatically used by Microsoft 365 for fallback purposes in case a custom domain is not created.
#MFA #ThreatIntel #Microsoft #Phishing #Teams #CozyBear #APT #Russia #SVR
#mfa #threatintel #microsoft #phishing #teams #cozybear #apt #russia #svr
The Moldovan Intelligence and Security Service, #SIS, said ended its partnership agreement with Russia’s Federal Security Service, #FSB
Last week, the Moldovan authorities sent home 18 Russian diplomats and 27 technical embassy staff amid an alleged espionage scandal after investigative media outlets reported that #Russia had installed 28 antennas at its diplomatic building in #Chisinau that could be used for spying or phone-tapping.
#sis #fsb #russia #chisinau #transnistria #svr
#TASS: #Russia’s #SVR foreign intelligence chief Sergei #Naryshkin has said that he and his #CIA counterpart discussed the shortlived mutiny a week earlier by Russian mercenary boss Yevgeny #Prigozhin and “what to do with #Ukraine” in a phone call late last month.
But he said that for most of the call, lasting about an hour, “we considered and discussed what to do with Ukraine”.
#Ukraine #prigozhin #CIA #Naryshkin #svr #Russia #tass
The article about #SolarWinds by WIRED reads like a Jeff Aiken novel by Mark Russinovich. As a software engineer, I wonder about the complexity of our build system, which is reasonably proportional to the complexity of the product. How can I simplify it? How can I ensure that every step of the way is safe and building my lines of code and not trojan horses?
#solarwinds #supplychain #attack #orionsoftware #svr #hacker
Digitale Souveränität für Lehrkräfte
Mit dem »Kompetenzzentrum für digitales und digital gestütztes Unterrichten in Schule und Weiterbildung in den Sprachen, Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften« will das BMBF die digitale Souveränität von Lehrkräften stärken.
Konkret sollen dabei in allen Fachbereichen evidenzbasiert Module weiterentwickelt, optimiert und implementiert werden.
#DigitaleSouveränität #DigitaleBildung #Lehrerbildung #Weiterbildung #DiSoSGW #SVR
#digitalesouveranitat #digitalebildung #lehrerbildung #weiterbildung #disosgw #svr
Es läuft doch darauf hinaus, dass die russische Marine die Sprengungen von ihren Schiffen aus implementiert hat und der russische Geheimdienst (#GRU oder #SVR) die falsche ukrainische Spur gelegt hat.
#falseflag #nordstream #svr #gru
After the #uprising, the US stressed that it had played no role in the rebellion. US media reported on Friday that after the uprising, #Burns called the head of the Russian foreign intelligence agency #SVR, Sergey #Naryshkin, to assure him that the #US had not been involved in the rebellion. US President Joe #Biden had already denied any involvement of the #West in the revolt on Monday.
#Ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #russiacoup #west #Biden #US #Naryshkin #svr #burns #uprising
Yeah de indexering bots pakken #gyvelborg en #annulering op, dus wie weet telt een gewaarschuwd mens voor 2 🤔 #svr
Zo, een stuk rustiger en als de #svr en #zoover geen luisterend oor willen bieden, doe ik het zelf wel 😀 Hoop dat de indexering van de zoekmachines voor de rest hun werk doen. #vakantie #denemarken #gyvelborg https://krebos.nl/2023/06/14/let-op-bij-svr-camping-gyvelborg/
#gyvelborg #denemarken #vakantie #zoover #svr
Mocht je ooit overwegen naar #svr camping #gyvelborg in #denemarken te gaan. Let dan even op de #bizarre #annuleringsvoorwaarden. Door omstandigheden annuleerden wij 8 weken van te voren, de aanbetaalde 230 euries ben je kwijt. Had je maar een annuleringsverzekering moeten nemen... Persoonlijk vind ik het vrij asociale voorwaarden. Dus let op 🤔
#annuleringsvoorwaarden #bizarre #denemarken #gyvelborg #svr
Vulkan Files: così la Federazione Russa ha orchestrato le moderne guerre cibernetiche
Tradizionalmente, l’FSB, il GRU e l’SVR della #Federazione #Russa sono sospettosi l’uno dell’altro e raramente comunicano ed evitano di utilizzare gli stessi #software. A tal punto che nel 2016, il #GRU e l’#SVR avevano entrambi, senza consultarsi a vicenda, #hackerato le e-mail del Partito Democratico degli #statiuniti.
Dall’inizio degli anni 2010, i servizi di sicurezza russi hanno tentato di “aumentare” le proprie #capacità #informatiche a un ritmo rapido, senza avere sempre i mezzi interni per realizzare le proprie #ambizioni.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#federazione #russa #software #gru #svr #hackerato #statiuniti #Capacità #informatiche #ambizioni #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity
Major story in the Guardian about #Russian #cyberwarfare -
"‘Vulkan files’ leak reveals Putin’s global and domestic cyberwarfare tactics
- Documents leaked by whistleblower angry over Ukraine war
- Private Moscow consultancy bolstering Russian cyberwarfare
- Tools support hacking operations and attacks on infrastructure
"Thousands of pages of secret documents reveal how Vulkan’s engineers have worked for Russian military and intelligence agencies to support hacking operations, train operatives before attacks on national infrastructure, spread disinformation and control sections of the internet.
The company’s work is linked to the federal security service or FSB, the domestic spy agency; the operational and intelligence divisions of the armed forces, known as the GOU and GRU; and the SVR, Russia’s foreign intelligence organisation."
"One document links a Vulkan cyber-attack tool with the notorious hacking group Sandworm, which the US government said twice caused blackouts in Ukraine, disrupted the Olympics in South Korea and launched NotPetya, the most economically destructive malware in history. Codenamed Scan-V, it scours the internet for vulnerabilities, which are then stored for use in future cyber-attacks."
#Vulkan #VulkanFiles #Russia #Putin #FSB #Cyber #GOU #GRU #SVR #Ukraine #UkraineWar #Putin
#russian #cyberwarfare #vulkan #vulkanfiles #russia #putin #FSB #cyber #gou #gru #svr #ukraine #UkraineWar
In Slovenia, two foreign citizens who were spying for Russia have been exposed in Ljubljana https://mil.in.ua/en/news/foreign-intelligence-agents-of-the-russian-federation-detained-in-slovenia/ #Europe #Slovenia #Russia #SVR #Intelligence
Reposted from Twitter by @nafobot
#Europe #slovenia #Russia #svr #intelligence #Ukraine
#AnnaChapman was daughter of a #KGB official
In 2009 #Chapman,a twenty-something russian hootie was running a real state bizz led to foreign investors as cover-up
In 2010,counterintelligence of #FBI arrested #Chapman and 9 other people from Illegals program
Allegedly #AlanPatricof, #HillaryClinton's money man, was approached by another woman of this Russian #SpyRing
#CIA had information about illegal program of #Russia through a top #SVR official -foreign intelligence-
Wow... impressive...eyes 😜
#annachapman #kgb #fbi #chapman #alanpatricof #hillaryclinton #cia #spyring #russia #svr
3/ Former Bernie Bro and Ultra MAGA convert Jackson Hinkle appeared on Tucker Carlson’s show last September. According to the Washington Post, sources linked to federal agencies say Hinkle is on the Kremlin payroll as an FSB SVR influencer.
#JacksonHinkle #TuckerCarlson #Putin #Kremlin #FSB #SVR #InfluenceCampaign #Propaganda #Disinformation #HybridWarfare
#hybridwarfare #Disinformation #Propaganda #influencecampaign #svr #fsb #Kremlin #Putin #tuckercarlson #jacksonhinkle
gmp104 ist da! Wir sprechen mit dem MdB Dr. Christos Pantazis über die anstehende #Krankenhausreform. News gibts zum #SVR Gutachten und Neubesetzung, Neuregelungen bei der #Blutspende, Veranstaltungstipp @BMC_eV Kongress und Lektüreempfehlungen.
Bleibt Gesund! Macht Gesund!
#krankenhausreform #svr #blutspende
Todays piece. It closes with rumors of Putin doubles beyond #SVR. There may be something to it now.
For those cybersecurity aficionado’s out there, this is an interesting report by the Congressional Research Service on the cyber units affiliated with the Russian Intelligence Services. It does a pretty good job of summarizing capabilities associated with Russia’s #FSB, #GRU, #SVR, among others. Russia leverages a whole of society approach to cyber warfare, as demonstrated by Russia’s use of the Internet Research Agency.
#fsb #gru #svr #cybersecurity #Russia #cyberattack
RT @S4F_Mainz@twitter.com
🪧We are #unstoppable! Unter #Lützerath liegen 280 Mio. t Kohle - 0,7 Gt CO₂. Laut #SVR für Umweltfragen stehen D ab 2020 noch ca. 4,2 Gt zur Einhaltung von 1,5 °C (50%) zu.
🚨Wenn wir die #Kohle unter Lützerath verbrennen 🔥, leisten wir unseren Teil am #Paris Agreement NICHT⛔
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/S4F_Mainz/status/1614312712506572800
#Unstoppable #Lutzerath #svr #kohle #paris