#SWA2653 / ACA01A: Squawk 1724, 8.9mi away @ 19850ft, heading E at 511.3mph @ 22:28:01 US Eastern Time. #ZOOOM #PROSPBerwick #ADSB
#swa2653 #zooom #prospberwick #adsb
#SWA2653 / ACD2BE: Squawk 1713, 8.9mi away @ 19800ft, heading E at 497.5mph @ 22:50:55 US Eastern Time. #GoSpeedyGo #PROSPBerwick #ADSB
#swa2653 #gospeedygo #prospberwick #adsb
#KOMA - #SWA2653 (737-7BD B737) Southwest Airlines @ 4375 ft and 6.9° frm hrzn, heading SE @ 20:34:23 - https://globe.adsb.fi/?icao=AA76CB #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Bellevue Photo by: https://www.planespotters.net/photo/1325158/n7732a-southwest-airlines-boeing-737-7bdwl?utm_source=api
#koma #swa2653 #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #bellevue
#KOMA - #SWA2653 (737-7H4 B737) Southwest Airlines @ 4925 ft and 11.5° frm hrzn, heading SE @ 23:05:32 - https://globe.adsb.fi/?icao=A1A2E0 #AfterHours #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Bellevue Photo by: https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/keyword/N204WN
#koma #swa2653 #afterhours #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #bellevue
#KOMA - #SWA2653 (737-7H4 B737) Southwest Airlines @ 5425 ft and 37.8° frm hrzn, heading E @ 23:09:51 - https://globe.adsb.fi/?icao=A4C8A3 #AfterHours #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Bellevue Photo by:
#koma #swa2653 #afterhours #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #bellevue
#KOMA - #SWA2653 (737-7H4 B737) Southwest Airlines @ 4900 ft and 29.2° frm hrzn, heading E @ 20:12:14 - https://globe.adsb.fi/?icao=AA5D2E #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Bellevue Photo by:
#koma #swa2653 #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #bellevue
#KOMA - #SWA2653 (737-7BD B737) Southwest Airlines @ 4425 ft and 7.5° frm hrzn, heading E @ 22:27:35 - https://globe.adsb.fi/?icao=AA7A83 #AfterHours #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Bellevue Photo by:
#koma #swa2653 #afterhours #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #bellevue
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA2653 (ICAO code #A27380) flying at 296 kt at altitude 8275 feet MSL at coordinates 34.2360,-118.4226.
That plane was making good time.
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA2653 (ICAO code #ACC02B) flying at 305 kt at altitude 8950 feet MSL at coordinates 34.2169,-118.4295.
They had that jet crankin'!
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA2653 (ICAO code #A513EA) flying at 293 kt at altitude 8700 feet MSL at coordinates 34.1735,-118.4746.
That plane was making good time.
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA2653 (ICAO code #AAADDC) flying at 283 kt at altitude 5550 feet MSL at coordinates 34.1804,-118.4549.
That plane was making good time.
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA2653 (ICAO code #A5D965) flying at 308 kt at altitude 8850 feet MSL at coordinates 34.2198,-118.4352.
Southwest pilots would be jealous. Oh wait, was that Southwest?
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA2653 (ICAO code #A25D36) flying at 301 kt at altitude 8300 feet MSL at coordinates 34.2378,-118.4122.
They had that jet crankin'!