#PHNL - #SWA921 (737-7CT B737) Southwest Airlines @ 22100 ft and 59.2° frm hrzn, heading E @ 07:37:20 - https://globe.adsb.lol/?icao=AA9B65 #UpInTheClouds #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Tampa Photo by: https://www.jetphotos.com/photo/keyword/N7828A
#phnl #swa921 #upintheclouds #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #tampa
#PHNL - #SWA921 (737-7CT B737) Southwest Airlines @ 21975 ft and 58.2° frm hrzn, heading E @ 07:39:01 - https://globe.adsb.lol/?icao=AA9A7A #UpInTheClouds #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Tampa
#phnl #swa921 #upintheclouds #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #tampa
#PHNL - #SWA921 (737-7BD B737) Southwest Airlines @ 22575 ft and 61.8° frm hrzn, heading E @ 07:33:30 - https://globe.adsb.lol/?icao=AA7AEB #UpInTheClouds #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Tampa
#phnl #swa921 #upintheclouds #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #tampa
#PHNL - #SWA921 (737-7H4 B737) Southwest Airlines @ 23100 ft and 55.2° frm hrzn, heading E @ 07:37:13 - https://globe.adsb.lol/?icao=AC712D #UpInTheClouds #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Tampa
#phnl #swa921 #upintheclouds #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #tampa
#PHNL - #SWA921 (737-7BD B737) Southwest Airlines @ 22975 ft and 58.5° frm hrzn, heading E @ 08:05:03 - https://globe.adsb.lol/?icao=AA7A3C #UpInTheClouds #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Tampa
#phnl #swa921 #upintheclouds #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #tampa
#PHNL - #SWA921 (737-7H4 B737) Southwest Airlines @ 22000 ft and 50.0° frm hrzn, heading E @ 08:04:58 - https://globe.adsb.lol/?icao=A30657 #UpInTheClouds #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Tampa
#phnl #swa921 #upintheclouds #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #tampa
#PHNL - #SWA921 (737-71B B737) Southwest Airlines @ 22400 ft and 59.6° frm hrzn, heading E @ 07:39:56 - https://globe.adsb.lol/?icao=AAA26A #UpInTheClouds #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Tampa
#phnl #swa921 #upintheclouds #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #tampa
#PHNL - #SWA921 (737-7H4 B737) Southwest Airlines @ 22375 ft and 61.7° frm hrzn, heading E @ 07:40:51 - https://globe.adsb.lol/?icao=A4B9C7 #UpInTheClouds #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Tampa
#phnl #swa921 #upintheclouds #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #tampa
#PHNL - #SWA921 (737-7H4 B737) Southwest Airlines @ 22425 ft and 61.9° frm hrzn, heading E @ 07:36:59 - https://globe.adsb.lol/?icao=A5AA78 #UpInTheClouds #adsb #AnyFlightTracker #rtmladsb #Tampa
#phnl #swa921 #upintheclouds #adsb #anyflighttracker #rtmladsb #tampa
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA921 (ICAO code #A27380) flying at 304 kt at altitude 8975 feet MSL at coordinates 34.1807,-118.4849.
They had that jet crankin'!
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA921 (ICAO code #AA97B8) flying at 293 kt at altitude 6275 feet MSL at coordinates 34.1500,-118.4630.
They had that jet crankin'!
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA921 (ICAO code #A4BD7E) flying at 294 kt at altitude 7525 feet MSL at coordinates 34.2357,-118.4344.
Their dispatcher must be jazzed.
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA921 (ICAO code #A577D4) flying at 294 kt at altitude 6850 feet MSL at coordinates 34.2326,-118.4081.
They had that jet crankin'!
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA921 (ICAO code #A5A6C1) flying at 277 kt at altitude 4800 feet MSL at coordinates 34.1659,-118.4407.
That plane was making good time.
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA921 (ICAO code #A25D36) flying at 297 kt at altitude 8800 feet MSL at coordinates 34.2130,-118.4393.
Their dispatcher must be jazzed.
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA921 (ICAO code #AA1B9A) flying at 309 kt at altitude 7950 feet MSL at coordinates 34.2377,-118.4270.
That's, like, super fast.
BLEEP BLOOP: I just saw an aircraft with callsign #SWA921 (ICAO code #AA2A8A) flying at 303 kt at altitude 8950 feet MSL at coordinates 34.1876,-118.4807.
They had that jet crankin'!