This is an immature Swainson's Hawk that somehow made its way to Brooklyn, NYC.
This bird is normally found in the western U.S. and migrates to Central and South America for the winter. This one decided to make break for the Big Apple instead, and it has received as much attention and admiration as a Broadway star. 🤩
#birds #birdphotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #nature #raptor #hawk #swainsonshawk #nyc #brooklyn
#birds #birdphotography #wildlife #wildlifephotography #Nature #raptor #hawk #swainsonshawk #nyc #brooklyn
This is a juvenile #SwainsonsHawk who came into care earlier this year. He injured an eye when he fell from his nest. His juvenile feathers are beautiful, and if you look closely at the feather patterns on his legs, you can see they look like the silhouette of tiny birds flying. 🤎🪶
#Nature #WildLife #wildliferehabilitation #raptors #swainsonshawk
This is a juvenile #SwainsonsHawk who came into care earlier this year. He injured an eye when he fell from his nest. His juvenile feathers are beautiful, and if you look closely at the feather patterns on his legs, you can see they look like the silhouette of tiny birds flying. 🤎🪶
#Nature #WildLife #wildliferehabilitation #raptors #swainsonshawk
This is a juvenile #SwainsonsHawk who came into care earlier this year. He injured an eye when he fell from his nest. His juvenile feathers are beautiful, and if you look closely at the feather patterns on his legs, you can see they look like the silhouette of tiny birds flying. 🤎🪶
#Nature #WildLife #wildliferehabilitation #raptors #swainsonshawk
Tempting Fate
#birds #swainsonshawk #AmericanRobin
Tempting Fate
#birds #swainsonshawk #AmericanRobin