#VeroniqueGens, Berlioz, Les Nuits d'été Op. 7: Villanelle
#HowlinWolf, Spoonful
#RebeccaTurner, Be A Man
#RayCharles, Teardrops In My Heart
#GinBlossoms, Hey Jealousy
#TheDandyBlossoms, Cool Scene
#SwanDive, Down On Love
#FaniaAllStars feat. #CeliaCruz, Cuando Despiertes
#celiacruz #faniaallstars #swandive #thedandyblossoms #ginblossoms #raycharles #rebeccaturner #howlinwolf #veroniquegens #TheMorningLine
#TuneYards, Left Behind
#PatBuchanan, Halo
#FrankieLymonandTheTeenagers, Who Can Explain
#JapaneseBreakfast, The Woman That Loves You
#TheBeachBoys, You Need A Mess Of Help To Stand Alone
#TheDbs, She Won't Drive In The Rain Anymore
#TheTurtles, Elenore
#SwanDive, Rome Will Fall
#swandive #theturtles #thedbs #thebeachboys #JapaneseBreakfast #frankielymonandtheteenagers #PatBuchanan #tuneyards #TheMorningLine
#AlexG., Runner
#AlbertKing, Won't Be Hangin' Round
#Badfinger, Come And Get It
#DonaldFagen, I'm Not The Same Without You
#CamperVanBeethoven, Take the Skinheads Bowling
#RodrigueMilien Et Son Groupe Combite Creole, 6ème Leçon
#SwanDive, Imagining
#NRBQ, It Comes To Me Naturally
#nrbq #swandive #rodriguemilien #campervanbeethoven #donaldfagen #Badfinger #AlbertKing #alexg #TheMorningLine