The big reveal starts in less than 90 minutes! #systemsource #vcf #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #swapmeet #thrifting
#thrifting #swapmeet #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #vcf #systemsource
Restoring the Cheapest TRS-80 at the Swap Meet - We don’t know if you’ve looked into it recently, but the prices for vintage comput... - #vintagecomputerfederation #retrocomputing #repairhacks #swapmeet #trs-80
#trs #swapmeet #repairhacks #retrocomputing #vintagecomputerfederation
This past weekend I visited the amazing System Source Computer Museum in Maryland for their swap meet.
I picked up some great finds too, check it out! 🤯
#systemsource #vcf #retrocomputing #vintagecomputing #swapmeet #thrifting #apple #macintosh
#macintosh #apple #thrifting #swapmeet #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #vcf #systemsource
The Vintage Computer Federation and the System Source Computer Museum are hosting a vintage computer repair workshop on Saturday July 22nd (7am-7pm) and Sunday July 23rd (8-5) 2023 at:
System Source Computer Museum 338 Clubhouse Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21031
#HuntValley #BaltimoreCounty #ComputerMuseum #VintageComputers #Cray #SwapMeet #HamRadio #Maryland
#huntvalley #baltimorecounty #computermuseum #vintagecomputers #cray #swapmeet #hamradio #maryland
VCF’s Swap Meet Experiment Helps Support Expansion - There was a time when those looking for tech bargains had to either try their luck... - #vintagecomputerfederation #hackadaycolumns #retrocomputing #swapmeet #vcf
#vcf #swapmeet #retrocomputing #hackadaycolumns #vintagecomputerfederation
This Weekend: VCF Swap Meet in Wall, NJ - There was a time where you could regularly find local swap meets to pick up comput... - #retrocomputing #currentevents #swapmeet #infoage #events #vcf
#vcf #events #infoage #swapmeet #currentevents #retrocomputing
Going to the Rose Bowl #FleaMarket this weekend — will be our first time, so tips from experienced attendees welcome!
#vintage #swapmeet #california #la #fleamarket
Travel the World Looking for Retro Tech, Virtually #Retrocomputing #retrocomputing #swapmeet #museums #events #cons
#Retrocomputing #swapmeet #museums #events #cons
Travel the World Looking for Retro Tech, Virtually - For those who have a passion for vintage hardware, whether it be a classic compute... - #retrocomputing #swapmeet #museums #events #cons
#cons #events #museums #swapmeet #retrocomputing
A use case I want for the fediverse is a platform that lends itself to freecycling. The only thing my partner uses Facebook for is community swapping-I would love to see that hosted and organized in my community - if anyone is doing this, please let me know how it’s working for you and the tools you are using #freecycling #swapmeet #FediverseDreams
#fediversedreams #swapmeet #freecycling
Discovered that there's a #swapmeet (or #hamfest? unclear) next Saturday, about 90 minutes away. I'm deeply torn; I could get up at 6am and maybe arrive before everything worthwhile is sold and then drive another 90 minutes to get home in time for a different commitment...
But also it's indoors and quite likely to be packed, and that's before the potential skeevy and smelly factors...
The First-Ever Kansas City Keyboard Meetup Is This Weekend - Sometimes, if you wait long enough for something you want, it will come to you. Wh... - #keyboardmeetup #swapandshop #keyboard #swapmeet #meetup #news
#news #meetup #swapmeet #keyboard #swapandshop #keyboardmeetup
The First-Ever Kansas City Keyboard Meetup Is This Weekend
#keyboardmeetup #swapandshop #keyboard #swapmeet #meetup #News
#keyboardmeetup #swapandshop #keyboard #swapmeet #meetup #news
gestern auf dem 4. #swapmeet #UScar und Bike Treffen bei #forever2wheels in #Dinslaken automobile #Randgruppe #Fckyou -
#swapmeet #uscar #forever2wheels #dinslaken #randgruppe #fckyou #umweltzonepic