🤖🏭 USE CASE: Using Swarms of Mobile Robots in Smart Factories.
David Bowden (Dell Technologies) demonstrates how autonomous mobile #robots and smart edge devices can leverage the SMARTEDGE toolchain #CircularEconomy #SwarmIntelligence #EU_CloudEdgeIoT
#robots #circulareconomy #swarmintelligence #eu_cloudedgeiot
🚘🚦USE CASE #2: Preventing Rear-End Collisions by Enhancing Road Intersection Safety.
When the green signal is about to end, some vehicles either pass or stop! Iisakki Kosonen (Aalto University) describes a solution that uses #SwarmIntelligence:
So while there is a fear of #AI •replacing• humans, this guy has developed AI that connects humans together to form #swarmintelligence, a 'brain of brains' as it were. Really #WisdomOfCrowds on steroids.
#ai #swarmintelligence #wisdomofcrowds
🗓️4 July: for #SMARTEDGE, Dave Raggett from @w3c will present "Cognitive control of swarms for the #IoT computing continuum" at the ETSI #IoT conference, in Sophia Antipolis 🇫🇷 #SwarmIntelligence #iotETSI #DigitalTwins https://www.etsi.org/events/2208-etsi-iot-conference-2023#pane-5/
#smartedge #iot #swarmintelligence #iotetsi #digitaltwins
Automated Life Science A.I. Generation System Unveiled
A #bioengineering lab created a #system to make it easier for life scientists to use machine learning for data analysis, without writing their own #algorithms. https://sciencebusiness.technewslit.com/?p=44928
#News #Science #Engineering #LifeSciences #MachineLearning #Biotechnology #ArtificialIntelligence #Software #NeuralNetworks #SwarmIntelligence #SyntheticBiology
#bioengineering #system #algorithms #News #science #engineering #lifesciences #machinelearning #biotechnology #artificialintelligence #software #neuralnetworks #swarmintelligence #syntheticbiology
Exciting discussions during the SmartEdge project plenary meeting in Berlin 🇩🇪 @FraunhoferFOKUS
Leading experts shaping the future of edge computing. Revolutionizing industries with ambitious pilot projects #EdgeComputing #SwarmIntelligence #IoT #factory #health #automotive #HorizonEU
#edgecomputing #swarmintelligence #iot #factory #health #automotive #HorizonEU
opinions needed :)
I use a "Fineliner" from Staedtler for my sketches. At least that's what they're called in German. How do you call them in proper English? Is it a fine liner? a pigment liner? simply a pen? (I always assumed pen is more a ballpoint pen). I read it differently everywhere, I'm confused o.O
"Collective behaviour through time", the latest issue of the Philosophical Transactions of the @royalsociety B, is out thanks to the leadership of @katelaskowski and Cristos Ioannou. Unpacking all that exciting material is going to take me some time :-)
#CollectiveBehaviour #collectivebehavior #swarmintelligence
@fascinating_bastard no, as #swarmIntelligence is not „someone“ or „something“ but a collaboration mode, that can be applied on a topic
Do you have access to the power of #swarmIntelligence in your organization?
#Transparency and #Participation as it’s fundament helps solving complex tasks!
Why modern organizations need an #ESN Enterprise Social Network? It‘s made to #network #connect #share #feedback at scale and allow building a #movement
are you ready for ESN - to revolutionize the way you communicate and collaborate?
Here are some other valuable #SideEffects of Enterprise Social Networking
Any questions? Dare to ask!
#swarmintelligence #transparency #participation #esn #network #connect #share #feedback #movement #sideeffects
Letztes Jahr hatte mich die Käthe Kollwitz Schule gerufen um einen Bienenschwarm einzufangen. Diese Gelegenheit habe ich gleich genutzt um den Schülern etwas zum Thema Bienen beizubringen.
#swarmintelligence #beeswarm #bienenschwarm #KätheKollwitzSchule #darmstadt #nature #Schülerbildung #imkern #worldofbees #fridaysforbees #beekeeping
#beekeeping #fridaysforbees #worldofbees #imkern #schulerbildung #nature #darmstadt #kathekollwitzschule #bienenschwarm #beeswarm #swarmintelligence
Great discussion on the #Twitter exodus, with references to the classical Granovetter threshold model.
#swarmintelligence #CollectiveBehavior #twitter
Great discussion on the #Twitter exodus, with references to the classical Granovetter threshold model.
#CollectiveBehavior #SwarmIntelligence
#swarmintelligence #CollectiveBehavior #twitter
Time for a very late #introduction!
I'm an Associate Professor at #Arizona State University (#ASU), where I do a lot of inter- and multi-disciplinary work straddling animal behavior/behavioral ecology, autonomous systems/robotics, optimization/analytics, and machine learning/AI. Lately, I've been doing a lot of work with #ants, #bees, #swarmIntelligence, and #brain-inspired #AI. But my background is in #controlTheory.
Otherwise, yay to #dogs, #hiking, #nature, and #homeImprovement! 😃
#homeimprovement #nature #hiking #dogs #controltheory #ai #brain #swarmintelligence #bees #ants #asu #arizona #introduction
The technology of swarm robotics continues to march, swim, and fly forward. Swarm robotics tries to use the principles of #SwarmIntelligence to build robotic swarms
Intermittent collective motion in sheep results from alternating the role of leader and follower. Nature Physics paper about #SwarmIntelligence from Luis Gómez-Nava et al https://rdcu.be/cXXCJ
**Collective information science** #informationbehavior, including #sensemaking, #crisisinformatics and #rumoring, the dynamics of #informationecosystems, and corrupted and stigmatized #informationseeking.
**Complexity science**
#complexityscience, #systemsthinking, and #complexsystems as well as...
**Critical technology**
A critical approach to #sociotechnical systems, #surveillance and #algorithms, #cybernetics, and #swarmintelligence.
#informationbehavior #sensemaking #crisisinformatics #rumoring #informationecosystems #InformationSeeking #complexityscience #systemsthinking #complexsystems #sociotechnical #surveillance #algorithms #cybernetics #swarmintelligence
Each week in our lab meeting (or almost), members of the lab take 5-10 minutes to introduce a paper that has piqued their interest. I'm sharing them here in case you’re looking for something to read over the weekend.
Here is our #JournalClub of Nov. 17, 2022. A thread... 1/5
#ShowMeTheSource #CollectiveBehavior #SwarmIntelligence #Science #CollectiveIntelligence @collectiveintelligence
#journalclub #ShowMeTheSource #collectivebehavior #swarmintelligence #science #collectiveintelligence
Last year I presented at the Graduate Research Innovative Exchange at WPI about my work on #MARL from a #swarmintelligence perspective and was awarded the Peoples Choice Award. A lot of work has been done since this presentation and I am looking forward to sharing with you all in the near future.
I've been here for a while, but time for a re- #introduction:
I'm Scott or Vortex Egg, and I'm a cursed librarian. I work at the intersection of #technology, #informationscience, and #collectivebehavior on mitigating informational harms and violent extremism. I am currently pursuing an MLIS degree and am employed as the tech lead of a related nonprofit.
My work and research touch on:
**Digital extremism**
The influence of digital technologies, #misinformation, #propaganda, and #informationoperations on the emergence of #cults, #conspiracytheories, and #terrorism and violent #extremism.
**Cursed library science**
The management of harmful information, #contentmoderation and #TrustAndSafety, #digitalarchiving & #digitalpreservation, and #research methods for #cursedknowledge.
**Collective information science**
Theories of collective #informationbehavior, including #sensemaking, #crisisinformatics and #rumoring, the dynamics of #informationecosystems, and corrupted and stigmatized #informationseeking.
**Complexity science**
My work is informed by a qualitative and applied approach to #complexityscience, #systemsthinking, and #complexsystems as well as...
**Critical technology**
A critical and analytical perspective on #sociotechnical systems, #surveillance and #algorithms, #cybernetics, and #swarmintelligence.
#swarmintelligence #cybernetics #algorithms #surveillance #sociotechnical #complexsystems #systemsthinking #ComplexityScience #InformationSeeking #informationecosystems #rumoring #crisisinformatics #sensemaking #informationbehavior #cursedknowledge #research #digitalpreservation #digitalarchiving #TrustAndSafety #contentmoderation #extremism #terrorism #conspiracytheories #cults #informationoperations #propaganda #misinformation #CollectiveBehavior #informationscience #technology #introduction